Use this form to create tax rates depending on the service life of the asset.

Open the form

  1. Click General ledger> Setup> Sales tax> Sales tax codes.

  2. Select a line of the transport tax type for which you want to create tax rates depending on the service period of the asset.

  3. Click Values> By lifetime.

Note Note

This button is only active when you select a line of transport tax type in the Sales tax codesform.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Set up the service period range and tax rates.


View or modify the service period range and tax rates.




Minimum limit

Enter the lower limit value for the service period range.

Upper limit

Enter the upper limit value for the service period range.

Tax value

Enter the tax percentage or amount per unit for the specified service period range.

Sales tax code

Select the sales tax code for transport tax.

See Also