You must set up a requisite for an employee's full name.
Click General ledger> Setup> Financial reports generator> Queriesto open the Queriesform, and then create a query for the Electronic documents list table and a related Employee table.
For more information, see (EEUR) Create a query for electronic reporting.
Close the Queriesform.
Click General ledger> Setup> Financial reports generator> Fixed requisitesto open the Fixed requisitesform.
Press CTRL+N to create a requisite.
For more Information, see (EEUR) Set up a fixed requisite.
In the Requisitefield, enter the name of the requisite.
In the Namefield, enter Sender's last, first, and middle names.
In the Typefield, select Expression. Accept the default settings in the other fields.
Click the Expressiontab.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Queryfield, select the related employee table query identification code.
The name of the query table is updated in the Tablefield.
In the Field namefield, select the field related to employee's last name.
Repeat steps 9 through 11 for the fields related to employee's first and middle names.
In the Prefixand Postfixfields, enter the values that should precede and follow the value of the selected field.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.