When you specify an e-reporting document template for a report, lines are created automatically in the Financial reports generator. For each field in the report, the name of the appropriate requisite is taken from the template.
Data from the template requisite is transferred to the Financial reports generator report in the following way:
Information is displayed in the Cellfield, based on the data in the Microsoft Office Excel sheet and Cellfields. The value is created as '<Worksheet name>'!<Cell Range>.
Information is displayed in the Line typeand Requisitefields based on the setup in the Requisites setupform, if the requisite type is Constant. For the Celltype requisites, the default value is displayed.
A Fixed requisiteline type is created in the lower section of the Field setupform for Constanttype requisites, and the Fixed requisitefield displays the value from the document template settings.
A Constantline type is created for the Valuetype requisites in the lower section of the Field setupform, and the value is displayed in the Datafield.
Click General ledger> Setup> Financial reports generator> Financial reports generator
General ledger> Setup> Financial reports generator> Document templates> Reportto open the Reportform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new report.
For more information, see (EEUR) Set up the financial reports generator.
In the Report codefield, enter the report code.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a text description for the report.
In the Templatefield, select the document template from which the template settings are to be transferred.
Click the Generaltab.
In the Templatefield, select the file path.
Press CTRL+S or save, and then click Yesto update the cell information.
You can also create lines in the Financial reports generator in the Create or update FRG linesform.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.