Use this form to set up requisite types for electronic reporting.

Open the form

  1. Click General ledger> Setup> Financial reports generator> Document templatesto open the Document templatesform.

  2. Click Setup, and then click Opento open the Requisites setupform. The specified Microsoft Office Excel sheet opens in the lower section of the form.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Set up requisites for electronic reporting.


Set up table requisites for electronic reporting.





Change the area for the requisite, table, or cell.

Note Note

You can select the required cell range from the Microsoft Office Excel sheet and click Selectto update the selected area in the upper pane.

Go to

Go to the specified cell area in the Microsoft Office Excel sheet.


Insert requisite names into the template.


Move the selected line one position up.


Move the selected line one position down.


Add the selected cells to the requisite.


Create requisites in the specified section.

Note Note

This button is available on the Tablestab.





Select the document section that the requisites refer to.

Requisite type

Select the section requisite type from the following options:

  • Cell– A requisite with the value selected from a cell in the Office Excel report.

  • Constant– A fixed requisite set up in the Fixed Requisitesform.

  • Value– A requisite with a value that is selected manually when the template is set up. This type of requisite value description may use macro replacements in the Valuefield.


Enter the requisite code.


View or modify the XML attribute name.


Enter a description for the requisite.


Enter the requisite vale.

Note Note

This field is available for editing only if Valueis selected in the Requisite typefield.


Enter the name of the Microsoft Office Excel worksheet.

Dynamic section

Select this check box to set up a requisite that is a property of a dynamic section.

Note Note

This type of requisite is a service object and will not appear in the report file. You can select this check box only if the requisite type is Cell.

Reference to value

Select the parent section requisite.

Note Note

The value in the Reference to valuefield must be the same as the value in the specified cell range. You can select this value only if the Dynamic sectioncheck box is selected.

Data type

Select the requisite data type from the following options:

  • General– An undefined type of data with any kind of requisite value.

  • Numeric– The requisite must have a numeric value, which is verified when importing the data. If a cell contains text, the imported value of the requisite will be empty.

  • Text– The requisite may have any value.

  • Date– The requisite must be in date format. If a cell contains any other type of value, the value of the requisite will be empty.

  • Conditional– The value of this type of requisite will depend on the value shown in the cells when it is imported. If the cell is not empty, the value is taken from the Valuefield in the right section of the Requisites setupform. Otherwise, the value is taken from the Defaultfield.

Output type

Select the requisite output type form the following options:

  • Optional– The requisite will not appear in the report file unless a value is entered.

  • Required– The requisite is required and must always appear in the report file and cannot be blank.

  • Predefined– The requisite must always have a code specified in the report file, although it might not have a value.


Enter the default requisite value.

Note Note

The default value is required for requisites with a Requiredoutput type. The default value is used only if the imported requisite value created, based on the setting of the cell in the right section of the form, is empty.

Extended data type

Select the extended data type to verify the value of the requisite imported and save the settings.


View or modify the cell number.


Enter the value to be added before the requisite.


Enter the value to be added after the requisite.


Enter the conditional requisite value.

Dynamic table

Select this check box to specify that the table is a dynamic table.


View or modify the data area of the table that you are setting up.

Note line

Enter a note for the requisite.


View or modify the format code for the requisite code.

Note Note

This field is available only for document templates earlier than Version 3.

Description format

Enter the description format for the requisite code.

Note Note

The value in this field can contain any values plus "%1" characters that are replaced with values from the Columnfield with Descriptioncolumn type when generating a report.

This field is available only for document templates earlier than Version 4.

Table number

Enter the table number for the requisite code.

Note Note

This field is available only for document templates earlier than Version 4.


Enter the requisite table name.

Column type

Select the column type for the table requisite:

  • Line code

  • Description

  • Value


Enter t he cell name of the first column of the Microsoft Office Excel document that will be used to create the requisite codes.

Column number

Enter the column number for the requisite code.

Note Note

This field is available only for document templates earlier than Version 4.

Line number

Enter the line number for the requisite code.

Note Note

This field is available only for document templates earlier than Version 4.

See Also