The sales tax exempt number is a company identification number that is issued to a company and managed by a tax authority for a country or region. You can enter a tax exempt number manually and attach it to the record of a customer or vendor.
After setup, tax exempt numbers can be found in the following forms:
Vendorsform ( Accounts payable> Common Forms> Vendors Details> Setuptab)
Customersform ( Accounts receivable> Common Forms> Customers Details> Setuptab)
Quotationform ( CRM> Common Forms> Sales Quotation Details> Setuptab)
EU sales listform ( Basic> Periodic> Foreign trade> EU sales list> Overviewtab)
Intrastat parametersform ( Basic> Setup> Foreign trade> Intrastat parameters> Agenttab)
Project quotationform ( Project> Common Forms> Project Quotation Details> Setuptab)
Since the tax exempt numbers are based on countries and regions, only those tax exempt numbers that are set up for a specific country or region are displayed in the Tax exempt numberfield.
key setup
Click Administration> Setup> System> Configurationto open the Configurationform.
Expand the General ledgernode, and then expand the Sales taxnode.
Select the Sales tax exempt number tablecheck box.
Click OK.
Set up a tax
exempt number
Click General ledger> Setup> Sales tax> External> Tax exempt numbersto open the Tax exempt numbersform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new tax exempt number.
In the Country/regionfield, select the name of country or region to be attached to, for example, the Customersand Vendorsforms or other forms.
In the Tax exempt numberfield, enter the tax exempt number.
In the Company namefield, enter the name of the company holding the tax exempt number.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.