The FA depreciationregister defines accrued depreciation for tangible assets for a specific tax period. This register supports formulation of direct and simple expenses for tax purposes.
The register is created on the basis of depreciation transactions according to the tax model, in accordance with the RF tax code. Register records are created monthly as actual depreciation accrues, with totals accumulated for each depreciated fixed asset. Reporting data is produced by totaling the indicators from the beginning of the reporting period to the reporting date. Registers should be maintained so that information can be grouped separately by amortization amounts per fixed asset, in the form of direct and simple expenses.
Click General ledger> Setup> Profit tax> Registers.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Register typefield, select FA depreciation.
In the Register codefield, enter an identification code for the register.
In the Register namefield, modify the name of the register, if necessary.
In the Period typefield, select the type of time period for which the register is created.
Click the Hidetab, and move any fields that you want to hide in the register from Available fieldsto Selected fields.
In Selected fields, select the check box for the register fields to be hidden.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
Click General ledger> Setup> Profit tax> Register parametersto set up additional parameters for the register.
In the Register namefield, select FA depreciation.
In the Parameter namefield, select the parameter.
In the Valuefield, select the fixed asset group by the tax account type and asset type that are to be used to create the register. If you specify more than one value, separate the values with commas.
If you do not specify parameter values, the register will contain all fixed assets.
Click Specificto open the Expense code setupform, and then set up expense and revenue codes for the register.
Click the Generaltab, and in the Fixed assets typefield, select the type of the fixed asset.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.