Staff accounting> Working time registration> Calendar> Periodic templates
Periodic templates are designed to create calendars with periodic schedules (for instance, every four days). You can use this form to enter or view the list of periodic templates.
Task that
uses this form
the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Overview |
Enter or view details about the working time template, calendar description, duration of period, number of days in period, and holiday accounting. |
Calendar |
Enter or view details about the time code, short time type description for a time sheet, start time, and end time of the employee's work shift. |
Times |
View the resulting information about the number of hours by days of the template hours sorted by time codes. |
Groups |
View information about the number of hours by days of the template hours sorted by time groups. |
Button |
Description |
Copy template |
Open the Copy templateform and view settings from a standard periodic template to be copied to another template. |
Copy day |
Open the Copy dayform to copy the time interval from one day of the periodic template to another day. |
Up |
Move the selected item one position up. |
Down |
Move the selected item one position down. |
Field |
Description |
Template |
Enter a unique periodic template code. |
Name |
Enter a description of the calendar periodic template. |
Period |
Select the default period for which the calendar will be created from the following options:
Periodicity |
Enter the number of days that the periodic template is used repeatedly in a period. |
Holiday accounting |
Select the check box to specify if work days in an employee's individual calendar that fall on a national holiday should be considered as days off. |
Time code |
Select a time code to represent the employee's working hours in the calendar. |
Name |
The short time type description for a time sheet. |
From |
Enter the start time of the employee's work shift. |
To |
Enter the end time of the employee's work shift. |