Before you can create a calendar, you must populate the schedule template for one work week. This template is then reproduced for the entire period to be covered by the calendar.
The template specifies business hours and time periods for each weekday. For example, the time interval from the official start of the work day to the lunch break constitutes the first time period, and the interval from the end of the break until the end of the work day represents the second period. These time periods are transferred to the calendar.
You can create a standard template, a template for a 5-day, 6-day, or 7-day week, and a template for periodic schedules, such as every third day.
Set up
standard templates for standard schedules
Click Staff accounting> Working time registration> Calendar> Standard templatesto open the Standard templatesform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new standard template.
In the Templatefield, enter a standard template code.
In the Namefield, enter a description of the standard template.
Select the Holiday accountingcheck box so that work days that fall on national holidays will be handled as days off when the calendar is automatically generated.
Click each tab from Mondayto Sundayto enter the intervals for the working day time periods.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line in the Hourstable.
In the Time codefield, select a time code that represents the employee's work hours according to the calendar.
In the Fromand Tofields, enter the employee's work periods, such as from 08:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00.
The hours that are entered for this time code are displayed in the Hoursfield. The information about the total amount of hours entered is displayed on the Groupstab, sorted by the groups where the time codes are entered.
Click Copy dayto open the Copy dayform, and then copy the time intervals to other tabs.
In the To weekdayfield, select the weekday the intervals must be copied to.
Click OK.
Click Copy templateto open the Copy templateform, and then copy the settings from one template to another.
In the From templatefield, select the templates that the settings must be copied from.
In the To templatefield, select the templates that the settings must be copied to.
If the template has not been created, a line is generated with the name that is entered in the Templatefield. A record is automatically generated in the Namefield of the Standard templatesform, stating that this template is a copy of the template that is specified in the From templatefield of the Copy templateform. You can change the name of the template.
Click OK.
Press CTRL+S or close the Standard templatesform.
Set up
periodic templates for the periodic schedules
Click Staff accounting> Working time registration> Calendar> Periodic templatesto open the Periodic templatesform.
Press CTRL+N to add a new periodic template.
In the Templatefield, enter the periodic template code for the calendar.
In the Namefield, enter a description of the periodic template.
In the Periodfield, select the default duration of the period for the calendar schedule from the following options:
Accumulated in total
In the Periodicityfield, select the number of days in the period.
Select the Holiday accountingcheck box to create a calendar with holidays.
When the check box is selected, work days that fall on national holidays will be handled as days off when the calendar is automatically generated.
Click the Calendartab. Lines are created for the number of days that are specified in the Periodicityfield.
For each line in the left pane, specify the employee's work hours according to the calendar.
Press CTRL+N to create a line in the right pane of the Hourstable.
In the Time codefield, select the time code.
In the Fromand Tofields, enter the work hours.
Click Copy templateto open the Copy templateform and create a template similar to one that already exists.
In the From templatefield, select the existing template code.
In the To templatefield, select a new template code.
Click OK.
In the newly created template, you can change the Period, Holiday accounting, and template calendar settings. You cannot modify the Periodicityvalue.
Click Copy dayto open the Copy dayform, and then copy the settings for a day in the left pane.
In the To weekdayfield, enter the number of the day in the period to transfer the work hour configuration to.
Click OK.
Click the Upand Downbuttons in the Periodic templatesform to move settings from one day to another.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.