Staff accounting> Common Forms> Employee table

Use this form to create, view or update employee details. This information can include personal data, and other information about an employee such as his or her relatives, education, work experience, knowledge of languages, skill development, training undergone, disciplinary actions being taken, and benefits received.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Create or update the employee details such as the employee name, job title, and absence dates.

Note Note

The absence details can be created or updated in the Overviewtab in the Employee datestab.


Modify or view the employee details selected in the Overviewtab.


View or modify the employee's job details.


View or modify personal details.


View or enter payroll details.


View or enter address information for the employee card.

Contact information

Create or modify the contact information.

Military service

View or modify the military service details.

Text fields

View or enter additional information about the employee.

Pension fund

View or enter the employee's address in connection with the pension funds.

Employee dates

Enter or modify the effective date for absence, employment, termination and payroll details for the employee selected in the Overviewtab.


View or modify the absence details of the employee selected in the Overviewtab.

Note Note

This tab is present in the Employee datestab.


Enter any external or internal notes concerning the employee.





Open the following menu items:

  • Education– Open the Educationform to create and update education details.

  • Professional experience– Open the Professional experienceform to create and update professional experience.

  • Language proficiency– Open the Language proficiencyform to create and update language proficiency skills.

  • Evaluation– Open the Evaluationform to update performance evaluation.

  • Improvement of qualification– Open the Improvement of qualificationform to create and update qualification improvement details.

  • Retraining– Open the Vocational retrainingform to create and update retraining details.

  • Punishments– Open the Punishmentsform to create and update punishment records.

  • Relatives– Open the Relativesform to update and register information about relatives.

  • Privileges– Open the Privilegesform to create and update privileges.

  • Picture– Open the Pictureform to view, replace, or remove an employee's picture.


Open the following menu items:

  • Hire– Open the To give an employment to the employeeform to create and update the recruiting resolution.

  • Move– Open the Transfer of the employee onto other workform to create and post a transfer resolution.

  • Dismiss– Open the Fire the employeeform to create and post a dismissal resolution.

  • History– Open the Historyform to view the history.

Lines of resolutions

Open the following menu items:

  • Accept for employment– Open the Recruiting resolution linesform to view the lines of a posted recruiting resolution.

  • Transfer– Open the Transfer resolution linesform to view the lines of a posted transfer resolution.

  • Dismissal– Open the Dismissal resolution linesform to view the lines of a posted dismissal resolution.

  • Vacations– Open the Vacation resolution linesform to view the lines of a posted vacation resolution.

  • Business trips– Open the Business trip resolution linesform to view the lines of a posted business trip resolution.

  • Bonuses– Open the Incentive resolution linesform to view the lines of a posted incentive resolution.

Rate values

Open the Setup general ratesform to view changes to the rates setup for the employee.


Open the following menu items:

  • Payments and retentions– Open the Income/retention registrationform to review and edit payroll lines.

  • Payroll groups– Open the Payroll groupsform to review and modify the payroll groups.

  • Periodical payments– Open the Periodical paymentsform to enter the periodic payments details.

  • Bank accounts– Open the Bank accounts of employeesform to create or update the bank account details.

Sales tax

Open the following menu items:

  • Income tax– Open the Income taxform to view or update the income tax payment details.

  • Payments to off-budget funds– Open the Payments to off-budget fundsform to revise the payments for the off-budget funds.

  • Periods of stay of employee in RF– Open the Periods of stay of employee in RFform to determine the periods during which the employee was in the Russian Federation.


Open the following menu items:

  • Form T-2– Generate a unified print version of the T-2form.

  • Form T-4– Generate a unified print version of the T-4form.

  • Reference– Create a reference report as a Microsoft Office Word document.





Enter the employee ID number.

Last name

The last name.


Enter the full name.

Middle name

The middle name.

Employee name

The full name of the employee.

Note Note

This field is automatically populated when you enter the values in the Last name, First nameand Middle namefields.

Search name

The search name.

Department code

The code of the department where the employee works.

Job title

The job title of the employee.

Formation date

Enter the creation date of the employee ID card.

Address book ID

Select the address book ID.

Professional prefix

The professional prefix for directory name.


The form of address.


The name suffix.

Professional suffix

The professional suffix for the directory name.

Alternative number

Enter an alternative employee number for conducting searches.


Enter the details of the level of education.

User profile

Select the user profile in the product builder.

Employee primary index

Select the employee master number for calculating income tax and Consolidated Social Tax (CST) if the employee has multiple ID cards.


Enter the individual taxpayer number (INN) for the employee.

Note Note

The number that you enter is verified according to the requirements of the number format.

STI code

Enter the tax inspectorate code.

Insurance number

Enter the insurance (pension fund) number.

Category of the insured person

Select the category of the person insured in the state pension insurance repository from the following options:

  • Blank

  • Wage earner

  • Agricultural earner

  • Unemployed

  • Insurance payments made by oneself

  • Natural person

By staff list

This check box indicates whether the employee was hired as per staff list.


The qualification category for the employee.


The date of hire.


The termination date.

Kind of work

The nature of work with a value as Temporaryor Permanent.

Sort of work

Select the type of work for the employee from the following options:

  • Main

  • In combination

  • According to contract

Finish date

The ending date of the work as per an urgent work contract.

Trial period

The length of the trial period in months.

Contract date

The labor contract date.

Labor contract

The labor contract number.

Code of a category

Select the employee category.


The description of the employee category.

Birth date

Select or enter the employee's date of birth.


Select the gender of the employee from the following options:

  • Blank

  • Masculine

  • Feminine

Marital status

Select the marital status of the employee.

Country of citizenship

Select the country/region that the employee is a citizen of.


Select the employee's nationality.

Native language

Select the native language.

Type of birth place

Select the type of birth place from the following options:

  • Standard

  • Special


Select the country/region of birth.


Select the region of birth.


Enter the county of birth.


Enter the city/town/village of birth.


Select the type of education.

Document code

Select the document type that confirms identity.


Enter the serial number of the document that confirms the identity of the employee.


Enter the number of the identity document.

Issue date

Enter the issue date of the identity document.

Issued by

Enter the name of the entity that issued the identity document.

Total seniority

Select the reference to the field that indicates the employee's seniority.

Start date

Enter the start date for calculating seniority.


Select the reference to the field that corresponds to continuous service.

Start date

Enter the start date for calculating continuous service.

Seniority of work on a speciality

Select the reference to the text field that corresponds to the date or string for a specialty work.

Start date

Enter the starting date for calculating the seniority of work in a specific area of specialization.

Seniority of work in harmful conditions

Select the reference to the field that corresponds to seniority of work in harmful conditions.

Start date

Enter the starting date for calculating the seniority of work in harmful conditions.

Seniority of work in regions of the Far North

Select the reference to the text field that corresponds to seniority of work in regions of the Far North.

Start date

Enter the starting date for calculating the seniority of work in regions of the Far North.


Select the rate that determines the work time ratio of the employee. Its rate value is displayed in the adjacent field.


Select the rate that defines the salary of the employee. Its rate value is displayed in the adjacent field.

1st raise

Select the rate that determines the value of the first raise to the salary of the employee. Its rate value is displayed in the adjacent field.

2nd raise

Select the rate that defines the value of the second raise. Its rate value is displayed in the adjacent field.

3rd raise

Select the rate that defines the value of the third raise. Its rate value is displayed in the adjacent field.


The tariff scale identifier.


The code of the wage grade.

Payment type

Select the type of payment to the employee.

Time group

Select the identification of the time group.


Select the work schedule that defines the work hours.

Salary payment via bank

Select this check box if the salary is paid to the employee through a bank.

Note Note

This field value is copied onto the payroll lines.


Select this check box to exclude the employee from salary calculation procedures, and CST and Income tax.

Blocked from date

Enter the starting date for the period during which the employee is excluded from salary calculation procedures, and CST and Income tax).

Note Note

This date is the same as the last date of the month of the calculation period.


Select this check box to filter the display of lines with the expired effective date.


Select this check box to filter the display of lines with active effective date.


Select this check box to filter the display of lines with future effective date.


Select this check box to specify whether the address is shared for the address book record.


Select this check box to specify whether the address is primary address for address book record.

Address type

Select the address type from the following options:

  • Blank

  • Invoice

  • Delivery

  • Alt. delivery


  • Payment

  • Service

  • Home

  • Other

  • Business

  • Remit-to

  • Third-party shipping address

  • Real location

  • Lading

  • Unlading


Enter the name of the current address.

Street name

Enter the street name.

ZIP/postal code

Select the ZIP/postal code.


Select the name of the city.

Note Note

This field is automatically populated when you select a value for the ZIP/postal code.


Select the name of a county within a state in the current county/region.


Select the name of the state within the current country/region.


Select the native country/region of the employee for the specified address.

Built-up area

Select the built-up area.

Note Note

This list includes only the built-up areas that belong to the city that is specified in the Cityfield.


Select the street.

Note Note

This list includes only the streets that belong to the city or built-up areas that are specified in the Cityor Built-up areafields.


Enter the house number.


Enter the building number.


Enter the apartment number.

Built-up area

Enter the built-up area at the place where the employee was born.


The employee's complete passport address.

Note Note

The text address is generated automatically according to the address format for the country/region once the other address element fields are filled.


The employee's complete passport address.

Note Note

The text address is generated automatically according to the address format for the country/region once the address element fields are filled.


Enter the employee's home telephone number.


Enter the employee's extension at work.

Mobile phone

Enter the employee's mobile telephone number.


Enter the employee's pager number.


Enter the employee's fax number.


Enter the employee's e-mail address.


Enter an e-mail address for sending SMS messages to a mobile telephone.

Internet address

Enter the employee's internet address.


Enter the employee's telex number.

Valid from

Select the date from which the address would be effective.

Valid to

Select the date after which the address is not effective.

( Contact information) Public

Select this check box to specify whether the communication information of the employee is public.

Type ID

Select the communication type ID.


Select the status of the selected communication type from the following options:

  • Active

  • Inactive


Enter the communication address value.


Enter the extension number of the employee's workstation.

( Contact information) Valid from

Enter the date from which the communication information would be effective.

( Contact information)

Valid to

Enter the date after which the communication information is not effective.

Communicator sign-in address

Select this check box to specify whether the communication address is communicator sign-in address.

Military service

Select whether the employee is liable for being called up for military duty from the following options:

  • Liable

  • Not liable

Military rank

Select the military rank.

Military specialty

Enter the military specialty number.

Validity for military service

Select the category of validity for military service from the following options:

  • Able

  • Able with insignificant restrictions

  • Able with restrictions

  • Temporary unable for military service


Select this check box to specify whether the employee is a military recruit.


Select this check box to specify whether the employee is liable for being called up for military duty.

Mobilization order

Select this check box to specify whether the employee has a mobilization order.

Military office

Select the code of the military office where the employee is registered.

Group of military service

Select the code of the group of military service.

Category of military service

Select the category of military service.

Special registration

Enter the number of the document of the special registration.

Removed from the military register

Select the condition based on which the employee is removed from the military register from the following options:

  • On Register

  • On age

  • On a state of health


Select a code for a text field that is used as reference.


The name of the text field.


Enter the date or text value, based on the field type. Select the value from the list, if a validation is set up for a text field, with a type of line.

Note Note

For text fields with a type of Date, specify the starting date of the report period. The length of the period will be calculated with the specified date before the date of the calculation of the pay period.

Employee type

Select the employee type from the following menu items:

  • Employee

  • Contractor

  • Work center

Absence setup

Select the absence set up.

Absence date

Select or enter the date from which the absence of the employee has to be calculated.

Valid from

Select or enter the date from which the employee's absence starts.

Valid to

Select or enter the date from which the employee's absence expires.

Work days

The number of work days per week.


Enter the number of work hours for Monday.


Enter the number of work hours for Tuesday.


Enter the number of work hours for Wednesday.


Enter the number of work hours for Thursday.


Enter the number of work hours for Friday.


Enter the number of work hours for Saturday.


Enter the number of work hours for Sunday.

Total working hours

The total work hours of the employee for the week.

Employer unit

Select the employee's unit for termination from the following:

  • Week

  • Month

Employer quantity

Enter the number of days for the employee's termination notice.

Reason code

Select the reason code for the employee's termination.

Seniority date

Select or enter the employee's seniority date at the organization.

Pension plan

Select or enter the employee's pension enrollment date.

( Retirement)

Start date

Select or enter the date on which the contract employee is eligible for the earnings-related pension scheme.


Enter the amount for the employer contribution to the employee's moving expenses.

( Vacation)


Enter the vacation pay amount for the employee.

Vacation days

Enter the number of vacation days for employee.

Total vacation hours

Enter the total number of vacation hours available per year.

Vacation hours carried over

Enter the vacation hours carried over from previous year.

Vacation hours taken

Enter the vacation hours taken in the current year.

Vacation hours left

Enter the remaining vacation hours.

Paid vacation

Select this check box if the employee is eligible for paid vacation.

Additional paid vacation days

Select this check box if the employee is eligible for additional paid vacation days.

Personal days

Select this check box if the employee is eligible for personal days.

( Employment history)

Start date

Select or enter the employee's start date at the organization.

Adjusted start date

Select or enter the employee's adjusted start dated at the organization.

Last date worked

Select or enter the employee's last worked date.

Termination date

Select or enter the employee's termination date.

Expat ruling

Select this check box to indicate that the employee is applicable for expat ruling.

Expat ruling valid from

The start date of expat ruling.

Expat ruling valid until

The end date of expat ruling.

Vendor account

The vendor account number.

Marital status

Select the marital status of the employee from the following options:

  • Blank

  • Married

  • Single

  • Widowed

  • Divorced

  • Cohabiting

  • Registered Partnership

Number of dependents

Enter the number of dependents.

Ethnic origin

Select the identification of the ethnic origin.

Country/region of citizenship

Select the country or region of citizenship in connection with the addresses.

Country/region of birth

Select the country or region of birth in connection with addresses.

Country/region of birth mother

Select country or region of birth of the employee's mother.

Country/region of birth father

Select the country or region of birth of the employee's father.

Veteran status

Select the identification of the veteran status.

Military service start date

Select the starting date of military service.

Military service end date

Select the end date of military service.

Disabled veteran

Select this check box to indicate whether the employee is officially classified as a disabled veteran.

Income tax code

Select the income tax code.

( Income tax)


Select the income tax category for the employee.

Employee contribution

Enter the employee's contribution to savings.

Employer contribution

Enter the employer's contribution to savings.

Wage type

Select the pay roll type for the employee from the following options:

  • Blank

  • Advance payment

  • Back payment

Date of advancement

Select the date of advancement to the next level.


Select the current currency code.

External note

Enter an external note containing additional information.

Internal note

Enter an internal note containing additional information.

See Also