You can use the Off-budget funds and labor remuneration fund taxesform to set up off-budget funds to define the tax base for Consolidated Social Tax (CST), and to define the structure of payment types that are used in calculation of sick pay, vacation pay, maintenance, and other payments.
There are two types of funds - Off-budget fundand Basis for calculation. The Off-budget funddefines the tax base from which the CST deductions are made. The Basis of calculationdefines the tax base for calculation of vacation pay, sick pay, and other payments.
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Fundsto open the Off-budget funds and labor remuneration fund taxesform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Fund typefield, select the type of fund from the following options:
Off-budget fund– This fund is used to calculate the payments to off-budget funds.
Basis for calculation– This fund is used to add the pay types together and provide a calculation base for vacation pay, sick pay, and other payments.
In the Fund codefield, enter a code for the fund.
In the Namefield, enter a fund name.
In the Account typefield, select the account type for payments to off-budget funds.
In the Accountfield, select the account for payments to off-budget funds.
In the Offset account typefield, select the offset account type for payments to off-budget funds.
In the Offset accountfield, select the offset account for payments to off-budget funds.
On the Generaltab, in the Department, Cost center, and Purposefields, select the dimension codes for payments to off-budget funds.
On the Pay typestab, select a pay type in the Remainingfield group.
Click <to move the selected pay type to the Selectedfield group.
You must select the pay types from the Incomecategory for an Off-budget fundfund type. You can also select the specified fund code for a pay type on the Off-budget fundtab in the Pay type setupform.
Click Dependenciesto view information about the counter or statistics statement in the Dependenciesform.
Press CTRL+S or close the form and return to the Off-budget funds and labor remuneration fund taxesform.
Click Funds totalsto view information about total payments to off-budget funds based on calculation periods in the Payments to off-budget funds (totals)form.
Press CTRL+S or close the form and return to the Off-budget funds and labor remuneration fund taxesform.