Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Pay types

Use this form to set up the various pay types.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Create a new pay type or modify details about an existing pay type, name of the pay type, category of pay type, income code, and the duration for accrual.


View or modify details about entry validation, rate, rounding method, and precision for a pay type.

Off-budget fund

Select the off-budget funds and calculation bases to be entered for the Incomepay type category.

Note Note

This tab is displayed only when you select the Categoryfield as Income.

Base total

Select the calculation bases to be entered for the Retentionpay type category.

Note Note

This tab is displayed only when you select the Categoryfield as Retention.





Open the Dependenciesform to view information about the counter or statistics statement that uses the pay type.


Create a new pay type based on an existing type.

Note Note

When a pay type is copied, its affiliation to off-budget funds and calculation bases, settings, and posting criteria are saved.


Add all items from Remainingto Selected.


Add the selected item from Remainingto Selected.


Add the selected item from Selectedto Remaining.


Add all items from Selectedto Remaining.




Pay type

Enter a unique pay type code.


Enter the complete name of the pay type.


Select the pay type category from the following options:

  • Income

  • Retention

Income code

Select the income code for the income.

Note Note

This code is used when calculating and reporting the income tax for an individual. This field can be modified only when the pay type category is Income.

Posting blocked

Select this check box to prevent generation of transactions in General Ledgerfor the amounts paid, with the selected pay type.


Select the duration of the accrual period.

Note Note

This value is used to calculate bonuses for the average earned for a specified period.

Entry (quantity)

Select this check box to specify whether users can manually enter the payroll journal lines in the Quantityfield.

Entry (rate)

Select this check box to specify whether users can manually enter the payroll journal lines in the Ratefield.

Entry (amount)

Select this check box to specify whether users can manually enter the payroll journal lines in the Amountfield.


Select the rate that the value in the Quantityfield will be multiplied by to calculate the value in the Amountfield on entering lines in the journal.

Percent value

Select this check box to calculate the rate as a percentage of the value that is entered in the Quantityfield.


Select the value rounding method for the payroll journal lines from the following options:

  • Up/down

  • Down

  • Up


Enter the precision of the value rounded for the payroll journal lines.

Note Note

For example, 0.01 would round to the kopeck, 1.00 would round to the whole ruble, and 1000.00 would round to the nearest thousand rubles.

( Off-budget fund)


The selected list of off-budget funds.

( Off-budget fund)


The list of off-budget funds.

( Base total)


The selected list of bases for calculation.

( Base total)


The list of bases of calculation.

See Also