You can use the Payroll groupsform to set up codes for payroll groups and assign employees to the group. Payroll groups are used to differentiate the calculation methods for employees who belong to different groups, based on criteria such as position, birth date, gender, and seniority.
payroll groups manually
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Payroll groupsto open the Payroll groupsform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new payroll group code.
In the Groupfield, enter the payroll group code.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a description of the payroll group.
Click the Employeestab.
In the Remaining employeesfield group, select an employee.
Click <to open the Periodform.
In the Fromfield, select the date that the employee is added to the payroll group.
In the Tofield, select the ending date for the employee's membership to the payroll group.
If you do not select a date, the employee is considered as a permanent member of the group.
Click OKto add the employee to the Select employeesfield group.
Click Ratesto set up salary rates for the payroll group in the Setup general ratesform.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
In the Payroll groupsform, click Refresh> Current groupto refresh the current payroll group.
To refresh all the payroll groups, click Refresh> All groups.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
You can view the payroll group for an employee in the Employeesform. In this form, select the employee and click Payroll> Payroll groupsto open the Payroll groupsform, where you can view the payroll groups that the employee belongs to.
payroll groups using a query
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Payroll groupsto open the Payroll groupsform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new payroll group code.
In the Groupfield, enter the payroll group code.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a description of the payroll group.
Click Query> Createto open the Inquiryform.
Specify the criteria to include employees in the payroll group, and then click OK.
In the Query modificationform, click Yesto add an employee to the payroll group; otherwise, click No.
The Querycheck box is automatically selected in the Payroll groupsform. The number of employees in the current payroll group is displayed in the Employeesfield. If you create a query, you cannot manually add or remove employee records to or from the payroll group.
Click Query> Deleteto delete the query that was created to add employees to payroll group.
The Querycheck box is automatically cleared in the Payroll groupsform. If you delete the query, you then can manually add or remove employee records to or from the payroll group.
Click Ratesto set up salary rates for the payroll group in the Setup general ratesform.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
In the Payroll groupsform, click Refresh> Current groupto refresh the current payroll group.
To refresh all the payroll groups, click Refresh> All groups.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.
You can view the payroll group for an employee in the Employeesform. In this form, select the employee and click Payroll> Payroll groupsto open the Payroll groupsform where you can view the payroll groups that the employee belongs to.