Click Staff accounting> Setup> Statistics statementto open the Statistics statementform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Reportfield, enter the statistics statement code.
In the Descriptionfield, enter the description of the statistics statement.
Click the Generaltab.
Select the Cover pagecheck box to include a cover page.
Select the Show zero linescheck box to include lines that contain zero values.
Click Columnsto open the Columnsform, and then configure the columns to be included in the statistics statement.
Press CTRL+N to create a new column.
The next consecutive column number is automatically displayed in the Columnfield. The columns are displayed in the report in their numerical order. You can change the number, if necessary.
In the Namefield, enter the column name to be displayed.
In the Typefield, select the column value type from the following options:
Employee number- The column displays the employee number from the list of employees.
Employee full name- The column displays the last name and initials of the employee.
Counter- Allows a counter, off-budget fund, or basis for calculation to be displayed in the Codefield. The column displays the total amount of transactions for the period for the pay types included in the specified off-budget fund or basis for calculation, or the calculated value of the counter.
Rate- Allows a rate to be specified in the Codefield. The column displays the value of the specified rate on the last day of the period.
Pay type - Days- Allows the pay type to be specified in the Codefield. The column displays the total number of days in the transactions for the specified pay type for the period.
Pay type - Hours- Allows the pay type to be specified in the Codefield. The column displays the total amount of hours in the transactions for the specified pay type for the period.
Cost type - Amount- Allows the pay type to be specified in the Codefield. The column displays the total amount of transactions for the specified pay type for the period.
Calculation- Allows a formula to be selected on the Calculationtab for calculating the column value, as well as the number of columns for the first and second operand in the expression.
Percent- Allows the column number to be specified on the Calculationtab, from which to take the percentage value from the Percentage columnfield and the percent value to be entered in the Percentagefield.
Department- The column displays the code of the department in which the employee is listed as of the current date.
Text field- Allows a text field to be specified in the Codefield. The column displays the value of the employee text field.
In the Codefield, select the code of the quantity specified for the column.
This field is available only if you select Counter, Rate, Pay type-Days, Pay type-Hours, Cost type-Amount, or Text fieldin the Typefield.
Select the Printcheck box to print the column in the report.
Select the Totalcheck box to display the total for the relevant column in the report.
Click the Generaltab.
In the From dateand To datefields, select the period interval for which the values of the quantity of the specified type will be summed.
Select the 1,000check box to display the amount in thousand units of standard currency.
The From date, To datefields and the 1,000check box are available only if you select Counter, Rate, Pay type - Days, Pay type - Hours, or Cost type - Amountin the Typefield.
Click the Calculationtab.
In the Calculation expressionfield, select a formula for calculating the column value.
In the Column 1and Column 2fields, enter the numbers of the columns for the first and second operand in the formula.
Steps 19 and 20 are available only if Calculationis selected in the Typefield.
In the Percentage columnfield, enter the column number to compute the percentage.
In the Percentfield, enter the percent value.
Steps 21 and 22 are available only if Percentis selected in the Typefield.
Click the Formattingtab to set the different formatting methods for the values entered in the column.
Press CTRL+S or close the Columnsform.
Click Copyto open the Copy balanceform, and then copy the settings from one statistics statement to another.
In the Existing reportfield, select the report from which the columns will be copied.
In the New reportfield, enter the name for the new report to be created.
Click OKto copy the settings from one statistics statement to another.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.