You must enter employee information before you hire a new employee.
Click Staff accounting> Common Forms> Employee tableto open the Employeesform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new employee.
In the Employeefield, enter the employee number, which is the same as the employee ID.
In the Namefield, enter the name of the employee.
In the Search namefield, enter description for fast search.
Click the Generaltab.
In the Formation datefield, enter the date when the employee ID card was created.
By default, the current date is displayed.
In the Alternative numberfield, enter an alternate employee number to be used for searches.
In the Educationfield, enter the education of the employee.
In the Employee primary indexfield, select the code for the main employee record. This is used if an employee has several records, for example, if the employee is assigned to various schedules, departments, or positions.
When the employee's income tax and Consolidated Social Tax (CST) are calculated, these taxes are accounted for according to the primary index number for the employee. Also, the accruals that are entered into the base for calculating these taxes are collected for all employee ID records.
In the INNfield, enter the individual tax identification number for the employee. This is required for reporting information about individual income tax on magnetic media. The number that you enter will be verified in accordance with the requirements of the number format.
In the Insurance numberfield, enter the employee number in the state pension insurance system. This is required for reporting personified registry information. The number that you enter will be verified in accordance with the requirements of the number format.
In the Category of the insured personfield, select the category of the insured person from the following options:
Wage earner
Agricultural earner
Insurance payments made by oneself
Natural person
Click the Employmenttab.
This tab contains information about the work conditions for an employee. Enter information on this tab only after an employee has been hired. The majority of fields on this tab contains the details of the employee and cannot be edited.
In the Sort of workfield, select the type of work according to the work contract for the employee. The options are Main, In combination, or According to contract.
In the Code of a categoryfield, select the employee category.
Click the Personaltab.
In the Birth datefield, enter the employee's date of birth. When you enter this date, the employee is automatically placed in a wage group according to age.
This birth date is used for CST calculation.
In the Genderfield, select the employee's gender.
In the Marital statusfield, enter the employee's marital status.
In the Country of citizenshipfield, enter the country/region of which the employee is a citizen.
In the Nationalityfield, select the employee's nationality.
In the Native languagefield, enter the employee's native language.
In the Document codefield, designate the document identifying the employee.
In the Seriesfield, enter the series of the document identifying the employee.
In the Numberfield, enter the identity card number.
In the Issue datefield, enter the issue date of the identity card.
In the Issued byfield, enter the name of the person who issued the identity card.
This data will be verified according to the settings in the Identity documentsform. The series and number will be verified, and the employee's age will be verified to ensure that it corresponds to the age that is entered on the document.
Click the Payrolltab.
In the Seniority ratesfield group, select the Start datefield for each type of seniority, and enter the starting date for each period of seniority. The length of seniority value is calculated as the difference between the starting date and the current date.
In the Time groupfield, select the employee's time group. For time codes that are attached to the time group, calculation sequences for calculating hours worked are set up.
Time groups are used to automatically include an employee in the time sheet when it is generated.
In the Calendarfield, select the employee's work schedule. When a configured calendar for the employee is created, the table is populated.
Click the Addresstab.
Press CTRL+N to create a new address line.
In the Country/regionfield, select Russiaas the country/region.
The structure of the remaining address fields will be changed in accordance with the Russian address format. Enter the employee's address in the respective fields. The date is automatically displayed when you enter the address data by using the address classifier in the STI codefield.
Select the Publiccheck box, if the address is shared for the address book record.
Select the Primarycheck box, if the address is the primary address for the address book record.
In the Addresstype field, select the current address type.
In the Namefield, the current address name is displayed.
In the Street namefield, enter the street name of the address.
In the Zip/postal Codefield, select the zip or postal code of the address.
In the Cityfield, enter the city name.
In the Countyfield, select the county for the zip or postal code.
In the Statefield, select the state.
In the Valid fromfield, enter the date from which the address is effective.
In the Valid tofield, enter the date up to which the address is valid.
Click the Contact informationtab.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line to enter the employee's contact details.
Select the Publiccheck box, if the communicating information is public.
In the Type Idfield, select the communication type ID.
In the Statusfield, select the communication status.
By default, the Statusis displayed as Active.
In the Communicationfield, enter the communication address.
In the Extensionfield, enter the employee's extension number at work.
In the Valid fromfield, enter the date from which the communication details are effective.
In the Valid tofield, enter the date up to which the communication details are effective.
Select the Communicator sign-in addresscheck box, if the communication address is the communicator's sign-in address.
This check box is applicable only if Emailis selected in the Type Idfield.
Click the Military servicetab.
In the Military servicefield, indicate whether the employee could be called for military service. If the employee is liable for military service, enter the data that will be used to generate the military service report.
Click the Text fieldstab.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line to enter any additional information using the text fields.
In the Fieldfield, select the field code.
In the Valuefield, select the acceptable value of the text field.
The data about the employee's seniority entered on the Payrolltab is displayed.
Click the Notestab to enter any additional information about the employee.
In the External notefield, enter the external note for the description of the employee.
In the Internal notefield, enter the internal note for the description of the employee.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.