Staff accounting> Income tax> Setup> Income tax> Income codes

Use this form to create income codes.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Enter or view details about the income group code, income group type, name, tax rate for residents, and tax rate for non-residents, and pay type code used as reference.


Enter or view details about the pay type, last year's debt repayment, budget revenue code for residents, budget revenue code for non-residents, rates for residents and rates for non-residents.




Income group code

Enter the income group code.


Select the algorithm type that allows calculation of the income group from the following options:

  • Basic income (13%)

  • Dividends

  • Other (35%)

  • Untaxed income


Enter the income group description.

Rate for residents

Select the tax rate for residents from the list.

Rate for non-residents

Select the tax rate for non-residents from the list.

Pay type

Select the pay type of duration for individual income tax from the list, calculated for income groups.

Last year's debts repayment

Select the deduction type from the list to reflect the settlement of a debt from previous tax periods.

Budget revenue code (resident)

Select the classification code of budget revenue for residents.

Budget revenue code (non-resident)

Select the classification code of budget revenue for non-residents.

Rate for residents

Select the tax rate for residents.

Rate for non-residents

Select the tax rate for non-residents.

Income code

Enter the income code.

Note Note

The list of income codes must correspond to the directory specified by the tax authorities.


Enter the full name of the income.

Income type

Select the income type from the following options:

  • Others

  • Income after deduction

  • Income after deduction (RF)

  • Sales profit

Deduction code

Select the deduction code from the deduction code list.

Note Note

This field is editable only when income type is selected as Income after deductionor Income after deduction (RF).

Future period tax

Select the pay type of duration to reflect individual income tax from list for charging future periods.

Note Note

This field may only be edited for the Direct income (13%)income group and with the method of calculating the individual income tax for future periods in the month when the income was received.

See Also