You can use the Names of scale of chargesform to create a directory of pay scale names for your organization. This directory is used to create new pay scales, confirm planned pay scales, and cancel previously confirmed pay scales.
Click Staff accounting> Staff administration> Setup> Names of scale of chargesto open the Names of scale of chargesform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new pay scale.
In the Codefield, enter a code for the pay scale.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a description of the pay scale.
Press CTRL+S to save the setup.
Click Scales of chargesto view or modify the pay scale information in the Scales of chargesform.
In the Codefield, view or modify the pay scale code.
The description of the selected pay scale is automatically displayed in the Descriptionfield.
In the Start datefield, select the date from which the pay scale will be effective.
In the Wage of first gradefield, enter the minimum wage of the first-grade employee for the selected pay scale.
The transfer resolution journal number is displayed on the Generaltab in the Number of transfer journalfield. According to this number, employees will be assigned new salaries on approval of the pay scale.
Press CTRL+S to save the setup.
Click Copyto create a new pay scale based on the current pay scale in the Copying of scale of chargesform.
In the Codefield, enter a code for the new pay scale.
In the Start datefield, select the starting date for the pay scale.
In the Factorfield, enter the indexing rate to calculate the wages of the first-grade employee.
Click OKto return to the Scales of chargesform.
A new pay scale is automatically created in the Scales of chargesform. The minimum wage for the previous pay scale is multiplied by the indexing rate value, and the wages for the new pay scale are displayed in the Wage of first gradefield.
Click Gradesto view or modify the salaries and tariff rates for the wage grades of the selected pay scale in the Wage gradesform.
Press CTRL+ S or close the form.
Click Approvalto open the Approval of scale of chargesform.
In the Resolution numberfield, view or modify the transfer resolution number.
In the Resolution datefield, view or modify the date of issue of transfer resolution.
Click OKto return to the Scales of chargesform.
The Activecheck box is automatically selected to show the status of the pay scale as approved in the Scales of chargesform.
If necessary, click Cancellationto cancel the approval of the pay scale in the Cancellation of approval of scale of chargesform.
Click OKto return to the Scales of chargesform.
The Activecheck box is cleared automatically to show the cancelation status of the pay scale in the Scales of chargesform.
Click Transfer resolutionto specify the details for the transfer of an employee in the Transfer resolutionsform.
You can open this form for an approved pay scale only.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.