Staff accounting> Calculation procedures> Sick-lists> Setup> Setup

Use this form to set up and configure parameters for a sick list calculation.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Set up the parameters for the sick list calculation.

Average earnings

View or modify the calculation type, time parameters, and numerical parameters for the sick list calculation.


Set up the length of service, the period of restriction calculation, and the conversion factor for the sick list calculation.

Types of work incapacity

Set up the sick list calculation parameters for the various types of work incapacity.




Calculation method code

Enter the average-earnings calculation method code for a sick list


Enter the name for the average-earnings calculation method.

Number of month

Select a previously configured rate saving the number of months of the calculation period for calculating the average salary for sick lists.

Working week duration

Select the number of work days for a week from the following options:

  • 5 days

  • 6 days

  • 7 days

Calculation method of short month

Select the calculation method for hours worked if the employee does not work through the entire calculation period:

  • Summary– Calculated using the information about the employee hours worked for the month.

  • Calendar– Calculated using the daily time sheet and calendar details.

  • By coefficient– Calculated using the information about the employee days or hours worked for the month, considering the conversion factor set up for the employee's calendar and the work week duration.

Calculation type

Select the average-earning calculation type from one of the following options:

  • by days

  • by hours

Note Note

When using the short-month calendar calculation method, the calculation type must be by days.

Base of calculation

Select the basis for the average-earnings calculation.

Note Note

The base includes pay types that are used to calculate the average-earned amount.

According to schedule

Select a time group defining the scheduled work time to be considered for the average-earnings calculation.

Actually worked

Select a time group defining the actual work time to be used for the average-earnings calculation.

Absences from work

Select a time group defining the hours that the employee is absent from work.

Length of service

Select the text field that corresponds to the pensionable service to activate the configuration of benefit amount calculation depending on the pensionable service.

Period of restriction calculation

Select the period for which the number of work months is calculated.

From 5 to 7 days working week

Select the conversion factor to convert a 5-day working week to a 7-day week.


Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Illness.

Care of sick

Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Care of sick.

Maternity leave

Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Maternity leave.


Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Injury.

Treatment in sanatoria and health resorts

Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Treatment in sanatoria and health resorts.

Child rearing leave

Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Child rearing leave.

Child care (out-patient treatment)

Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Child care (out-patient treatment).

Child care (hospitalization)

Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Child care (hospitalization).

Disabled child care

Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Disabled child care.

Child care without restriction of duration

Select this option to set up calculation parameters for the sick list type Child care without restriction of duration.


Select the sequence according to which the sick list calculation is to be performed for the set type of incapacity for work.

Gratuitous days

Enter the number of days of incapacity to work, which are not paid with funds from the Social Insurance Fund.

Total amount limitation

Select the rate code to specify the maximum benefit amount per month.

Additional payment from Wage Fund

Select this check box to specify that the employee is calculated and accrued with extra pay for the sick list from the company fund.

Amount of benefit

Select the rate code defining the benefit amount depending on the service time of the employee.

Note Note

Such rate codes are defined with value type Criteriain the Ratesform.

Time code

Select a time code for the type of incapacity to work to be displayed in the time sheet table.

Limitation by days

Select the rate code determining the number of days of incapacity, for which the benefit is calculated based on the term of service.

Note Note

If the duration is increased beyond the specified number of days, the benefit is calculated depending on the payment percentage specified in the Percentfield.


Select the rate code defining the percentage for which the days of incapacity to work are paid, when the specified number of limitation days is exceeded.

Days restriction for each case

Select the rate code determining the maximum number of days of incapacity to work for every sick list that is subjected to payment.

Year days restriction

Select the rate code determining the maximum number of days of incapacity to work per year that is subjected to payment.

Limit of age

Select the age in months up to which the benefit amount is paid.

Note Note

This field is available only when you select Child rearing leave.

See Also