Staff accounting> Calculation procedures> Standard deductions> Borrowing

Use this form to create, view, and calculate standard borrowing deductions for employees.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Create, view, and calculate standard deductions for Borrowing.


View or modify the calculation parameters for the selected deduction transaction.

Calculation order

View or modify the calculation order for standard deductions.


Set up account and dimensions for posting the deduction transaction.





Start the calculation procedure for standard deductions.

Payroll lines

Open the Standard deductionform to view the deductions calculated for the deduction type Borrowingin the current calculation period.

Payment history

Open the Payment historyform to view the results of the calculation for the selected line of the standard deductions.


Open a menu with the following item:

Standard bank deductions– Print the Standard bank deductionsreport.


Move the selected line one position up.

Note Note

This button is available on the Calculation ordertab.


Move the selected line one position down.

Note Note

This button is available on the Calculation ordertab.




Deduction code

Select the deduction code for the calculation.


Select the employee for whom the deduction is to be made.


Enter the name and number of the reference document for the deduction transaction.

Document date

Select or enter the date of the reference document.

Start date

Select or enter the start date for payment of the deduction.

Finish date

Select or enter the end date for payment of the deduction.

Note Note

After entering the end date, the Deduction amountfield cannot be edited.

Deduction amount

Enter the total deduction amount.

Note Note

After entering the deduction amount, the Finish datefield cannot be edited.

Deduction amount over the period

Enter the deduction amount over the period.

Note Note

After entering the value for deduction amount over the period, the Deduction percentagefield cannot be edited.

Deduction percentage

Enter the deduction percentage.

Note Note

After entering the deduction percentage, the Deduction amount over the periodfield cannot be edited.

Recipient type

Select the deduction recipient type as Customer, Employee, or Vendor.

Deduction receiver

Select the deduction recipient code.

Account identification

Select the bank account used to transfer the deduction amount to the recipient.

Borrowing percentage

Enter the borrowing percentage.

Lucre calculation

Select this check box to calculate the material profit.

Sequence number

The sequence indicating the calculation order for the selected line.

Note Note

The sequence number is automatically updated when the calculation order is changed for the deduction codes on the Calculation ordertab.


Select the calculation sequence code.

Note Note

The line is calculated according to the sequence code selected.


Select the period when the deductions are collected from the employee from the following options:

  • No

  • Month

  • Quarter

  • Half-year

  • Years

  • Accumulated in total

Amount control

Select this check box to allow the control of the deduction amount.

Note Note

If this check box is selected, the deduction amount calculated for the employee cannot exceed the deduction amount for which the calculation is configured in the General options of standard deduction calculationform.

By-worker calculation

Select this check box to allow the internally combined work by the employee.

Note Note

When calculating the deduction as a percentage of the amount, the payment amounts are accounted for on the basis of the employee's place of work and internal combination.


Enter a note describing the standard deduction for the employee.

Account type

Select the account type that specifies the type of account the deduction transaction is applied to from the following options:

  • Ledger

  • Customer

  • Vendor

  • Project

  • Fixed assets

  • Bank

  • FA number

  • Adv. holder

  • Deferrals

  • Petty cash


Select the account number for the current account type.


Select the department dimension code for the current transaction.

Cost center

Select the cost-center dimension code for the current transaction


Select the purpose dimension code for the current transaction.

See Also