You can use the Off-budget funds and labor remuneration fund taxesform to set up posting to off-budget funds so that each payroll cost account or group of accounts corresponds to a cost account and dimensions of the off-budget fund.
Click Staff accounting> Income tax> Setup> Off-budget funds> Off-budget fundsto open the Off-budget funds and labor remuneration fund taxesform.
On the Overviewtab, select the off-budget fund to set up the posting for.
Click the Posting profiletab.
The fields in the upper pane display the values that you specified in the fields of the same name in the off-budget funds setup.
In the Account typefield, view or modify the account type for payments to off-budget funds.
In the Accountfield, view or modify the transaction account (debit account) for the payments.
In the Offset account typefield, view or modify the offset account type for the payments.
In the Offset accountfield, view or modify the offset transaction account (credit account) for the payments.
In the Department, Cost center, and Purposefields, view or modify the dimension codes for the payments.
In the lower pane of the form, press CTRL+N to map the payroll cost accounts to fund cost accounts and dimensions.
If the fund debit account or the dimensions depend on payroll cost accounts, you do not have to enter the fields in the upper pane.
In the Cost account relationfield, select from the following options:
Table– The posting profile is defined for Costtype ledger accounts.
Group– The posting profile is defined for Totaltype ledger accounts.
All– The posting profile is common to all ledger accounts.
In the Cost accountfield, select a Costor Totaltype account number, depending on the grouping you specified in the Cost account relationfield.
If you specified Allin the Cost account relationfield, you cannot select an account number in the Cost accountfield.
In the Fund cost accountfield, select a Costtype account number to post to the ledger.
In the Department, Cost center, and Purposefields, select the dimension codes for payments to off-budget funds.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.