Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Rates

Use this form to define the rate values of calculation variables, such as the rates for calculating pensions, fund contributions, and number of children, for calculating corresponding benefits and other values.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Enter or view details about the payroll rates.


View or modify details about the payroll rate values.





Open the Dependenciesform to view information about the counter or statistics statement wherein this rate is used.





Enter or view the unique rate code.


Enter the name of the rate.

Rate type

Select the rate type from the following options:

  • System– The value is defined for all company employees.

  • Employee– The value is defined for each employee.

  • Department– The value is defined for all employees in a department.

  • Group– The value is defined for an employee who is part of the payroll group.

Value type

Select the rate value type from the following options:

  • Number– Any numerical value.

  • Yes/No– A Boolean value.

  • Rate– A link to another rate.

  • Tax deduction– The value is selected from the Deduction, discount and relief codesform.

  • Criteria– Enter the maximum or minimum rate. Use the rate with a criteria value to calculate a certain amount according to a transferable parameter.

  • Counter– A link to the calculation base or counter.


Select or modify the rate value for the selected rate value type.

Note Note

This field is available only when the value type is selected as Number, Yes/No, or Criteria. If the value type is Number, enter the numerical value for the rate. If the value type is Yes/No, select the Boolean value as Yesor No. If the value type is Criteria, select the maximum or minimum threshold as Minimumor Maximumfor the rate value.


Select the rate value.


Select this check box if the calculation result will be the criteria value.

Note Note

This check box is active only when the selected value type is Criteria.

Deduction code

Select a default deduction code value for rates with the Tax deductionvalue.

Note Note

This is available only when the selected value type is Tax deduction.


Select a default calculation base or counter value for rates with the counter value.

Note Note

This is available only when the selected value type is Counter.

See Also