You can use the Ratesform to define the values of calculation variables, such as the rate for calculating pension fund contributions or the number of children for calculating corresponding benefits.
Click Staff accounting> Setup> Calculation> Ratesto open the Ratesform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new rate code.
In the Ratefield, enter a code for the rate.
In the Namefield, enter a name for the rate.
In the Rate typefield, select the rate type from the following options:
System– The value of this rate is defined for all employees in the organization.
Employee– The value of this rate is defined individually for each employee.
Department– The value of this rate is defined for all employees in a department.
Group– The value of this rate is defined for employees who are part of the payroll group.
On the Valuetab, in the Value typefield, select a value type for the rate from the following options:
Number– Enter a numeric value in the Valuefield.
Yes/No– Select a Boolean number in the Valuefield.
Rate– Select a rate in the Ratefield.
Tax deduction– Select the deduction, discount, and relief code in the Deductioncode field.
Criteria– Select the criteria as Maximumor Minimumin the Valuefield.
Counter– Select the counter code in the Counterfield.
Select the Calculationcheck box to calculate the amount for which the rate will be calculated, based on the criteria value specified in the Criteriafield in the Setup general ratesform.
This check box is displayed only for the Criteriavalue type. For the rate calculation, the original amount that the rate is calculated from is divided by the rate scale. Each part is calculated as a percentage of the value specified in the Valuefield on the Criteriatab in the Setup general ratesform. All results for the interval are added to yield the final calculation result. If this check is cleared for the Criteriavalue type, the amount in Valuefield will be based on the rate. This value will correspond to the criteria selected according to the sum.
Click Dependenciesto view the counter and statistics statements in which the selected rate is used in the Dependenciesform.
You can open this form from the Pay type setup, Counter setup, and Off-budget funds and labor remuneration fund taxesform. You can define the correlation between module entities like rates, pay types, counter and funds in this form. You can view the dependent entity type as Pay typeor Counter, in the Typefield. In the Codeand Namefields, view the entity code and name based on the type specified in the Typefield.
Press CTRL+S or close the Dependenciesform.
Press CTRL+S or close the Ratesform.