The following table lists the field properties. Asterisks indicate the properties that can be changed using the Modifier.
Object property |
Description |
For string fields, specifies whether the field will use the auto-complete capability. If this property is set to true, the contents of the field will automatically be completed as the user types, based on a list of values associated with the field. |
Specifies whether information is automatically transferred between the field and the corresponding field in the table. If set to false, the field will be unaffected by processing that copies information to or from the field. |
If this property is set to true, the process associated with this field will be run when the user presses esc while the window containing the field is active. This property is typically set to true for a Cancel push button field. This property is available only for push button fields. |
Indicates the data type used for the field. |
If this property is set to true, the process associated with this field will be run when the user pressing the enter key or double-clicking a list box or scrolling window with the DefaultDblClick property set to true. The Default property is typically set to true for an OK or Save push button field. This property is available only for push buttons. |
Setting this property to true allows the user to double-click a list box field to accomplish the action of selecting an item and clicking the push button whose Default property is set to true. |
If set to true, prevents a lookup form associated with the field from opening when a user chooses the Lookup menu item. |
Applies only when the list view is displayed in report view mode. True indicates the user can reorder columns by dragging them. False indicates columns can’t be reordered by the user. |
Specifies whether the user can edit the contents of the field. |
For text fields, this property specifies how text fields can be edited. If set to DisplayOnly, the text field can’t be edited. If set to Editable, the field can be edited. If set to SelectOnly, text can be selected, but not changed. |
When set to true, this property indicates that all processing for a transaction will be completed when the button is clicked. This property is available only for push button fields. |
Indicates the field being used and allows you to view characteristics of the field definition. |
Indicates the resource ID of the field. |
Indicates whether the field is a global field or a local field. |
Lists the help context ID value for the field. |
When set to true, the push button can be clicked without performing any pending processing for the currently-focused field. Only the process for the push button that was clicked will be run. Typically, this property is set to true for Cancel buttons. It is available only for push button fields. |
Lists the format field linked to the current field. |
Lists the lookup field (typically a push button) linked to the current field. |
List the prompt linked to the field. |
True indicates multiple items can be selected in the list view. False indicates only one item can be selected. |
If set to true for string fields, the field will display Xs instead of the data entered in the field. This is typically used for password fields. |
Specifies whether the field is required for the record or transaction to be saved correctly. Set this value to true when you want to be sure the user enters a value in this field. Also, if this property is set to true, and the Show Required Fields menu item is selected, any prompt linked to the field will be displayed according to the color and style specified in the User Display Preferences window.
The Required property can’t be unmarked for fields already marked as required for the original form. However, the fields you set as required can be unmarked at a later time. |
If set to true, causes the field to keep the value that was last entered in it, when the form or window is restarted. If set to false, a restart will clear the field. |
If set to true, a text field will have scroll bars. If set to false, no scroll bars will be displayed. |
Specifies whether changes to a field’s value will set the change flag for the form or window. If set to true, the change flag will be set when the contents of the field change. If set to false, the change flag won’t be set. |
Specifies how items in list view or tree view fields are sorted. |
Specifies whether to include a window field in the tab sequence. If set to true, the window field will be in the tab sequence. |
Specifies the tooltip that will be displayed for the field. |
If set to true, a unique HelpContextID will be generated for this instance of the field. If set to false, the same HelpContextID will be generated for all instances of this field in the application. |
For drop-down list and combo box fields, specifies the maximum number of items displayed when the list is displayed in the dropped position. |
For text fields, specifies whether text will wrap. |
Visual property |
Description |
Specifies whether the item is left-, center- or right-aligned. |
If set to true, alternate lines of the list view will appear with a different color. |
For edit fields, specifies what type of border the field will have. For push buttons, button drop lists and push button-style check boxes, setting this property to 3D Highlight causes the button to have a flat appearance until the mouse pointer passes over the button. |
Specifies the background color of the field. |
If set to true, a border is drawn around the field. |
For progress indicator fields, indicates the direction the bar will move in the progress indicator. |
For button drop list fields, specifies whether the drop indicator will be displayed. |
For button drop list fields, specifies the distance in pixels the drop indicator will be drawn from the right edge of the control. |
For button drop list fields, specifies the distance in pixels the drop indicator will be drawn from the bottom edge of the control. |
For tree view fields, setting this property to true causes expansion buttons to be shown for nodes that have children. |
Specifies the font to use for the field. |
Specifies the color of the text for the field. |
If set to true, the field text will be displayed in bold type. |
If set to true, the field text will be displayed in italic type. |
If set to true, the field text will be underlined. |
When set to true, the entire row in the list view field is selected. When set to false, individual row items can be selected. Applies only when the list view is displayed in report view mode. |
When set to true, grid lines are drawn between items in the list view. Applies only when the list view is displayed in report view mode. |
Specifies how list view images are sized. System indicates the images will be scaled to standard system sizes (16 by 16 or 32 by 32 pixels). First Image indicates images will be scaled to the size of the first image defined for the list view field. |
For tree view fields, specifies how many pixels child nodes are indented from the parent. The value 0 allows the control to automatically specify the amount. |
Specifies the color of the progress indicator blocks or bar. |
Specifies how lines are drawn in the tree view field. If set to None, no lines are drawn. If set to TreeLines, lines are drawn for nodes below the root level. If set to RootLines, lines are drawn for all nodes. |
Specifies the pattern to apply to the background. |
Specifies the color of the pattern that is applied to the background. |
Specifies the pattern used when a push button-style check box is selected. |
Indicates the position of the left edge of the field, measured in pixels from the left edge of the window. |
Indicates the position of the top edge of the field, measured in pixels from the top of the window. |
Specifies the horizontal resize behavior when per field resizing is used. Refer to Resizing windows for more information. |
Specifies the vertical resize behavior when per field resizing is used. Refer to Resizing windows for more information. |
For picture fields, specifies how the picture pasted into the field will be scaled. Proportional indicates the picture will maintain its original size and proportions. Stretch indicates the picture will be stretched to fill the picture field. |
When set to true, column headings are shown in the list view. Applies only when the list view is displayed in report view mode. |
For native list boxes, setting this property to true causes the list box to be drawn exactly the height indicated in the layout window. If there isn’t enough room to display the last item, it will be only partially drawn. When this property is set to false, the list box will be resized vertically to include just the last complete item. |
For tree view and list view fields, indicates whether the selected node or item is indicated when the field does not have focus. |
Indicates the field height, measured in pixels. |
Indicates the field width, measured in pixels. |
For push button and button drop list fields, specifies whether the button will display text only, graphics only, or both text and graphics. It also specifies the arrangement of the text and graphics. For check box fields, specifies whether the field displays as a standard check box or a push button. For progress indicator fields, specifies whether the progress indicator is composed of blocks or is a solid rectangle. |
If set to true, the field will be visible. If set to false, the field will be hidden.
Fields can’t be made invisible if they have the Required property set to true. |
For push button fields, setting this property to true causes the pointer to become the zoom pointer (magnifying glass) when it’s moved over the field. Typically, the Visible property is also set to false to make the push button invisible. |