Opens the Report Field Options window, allowing you to specify how the selected field will appear on a report.
Opens the Drawing Options window, allowing you to specify the drawing characteristics of the selected items in the report layout.
Opens the Report Section Options window, allowing you to specify characteristics of the various sections of the report.
This menu item activates and inactivates the layout window grid. When the grid is active, a check mark will appear next to this item. All objects added to the layout after the grid has been activated will be aligned to the grid. Using the grid makes it easier to align objects in the layout.
This menu item aligns any selected objects to the grid.
This menu item displays the grid. You can display the grid when it's active or inactive.
This menu item places the grid lines behind any objects in the layout area.
This menu item places the selected object in front of any overlapping objects in the layout area.
This menu item places the selected object behind any overlapping objects in the layout area.
This menu item displays the Toolbox window, which you can use to place fields and other items in the layout area, and arrange existing items. The Toolbox window becomes active when you move the pointer over it.
If you are using a text report with the Variable Characters/Inch option marked, marking this menu item shows each each field’s name, rather than the field’s display characteristics.