Creates a modified version of the report selected in the Original Reports list. The report will be added to the Reports dictionary and appear in the Modified Reports list. To edit the modified report, select it in the Modified Reports list and click Open.
Creates a copy of the original report selected in the Original Reports list. You can use this copy as a basis for creating your own report in the Report Writer. When you select an original report and click Copy, you will be prompted to name the new report. Some original reports cannot be copied because they access data from temporary tables. To edit a copy of a report, select it in the Modified Reports list and click Open.
Opens the Report Definition window, allowing you to create a new custom report.
Removes the report selected in the Modified Reports list from the reports dictionary.
Creates a copy of the report selected in the Modified Reports list. You will be prompted to name the new report. You can use the duplicate report as the basic for creating your own report in the Report Writer. Some reports cannot be duplicated because they access data from temporary tables. To edit the new duplicated report, select it in the Modified Reports list and click Open.
Opens the Import Reports window that allows you to import reports from another reports dictionary.
Validates the resources referenced by the report selected in the Modified Reports list. It is suggested that you validate reports after importing them from another reports dictionary.
Prints the report selected in the Modified Reports list. Refer to Printing in the Report Writer for details.
Open the Print Report Definition window, which allows you to print information about the report selected in the Modified Reports list.