 Change View 

Examples: Name property

The following procedure runs when the user clicks a button in a VBA user form. It uses the Name property with the DUOSProperties’ Remove method to delete properties for a data object other than Item Weight and Item Color:

Private Sub DeleteExtraProperties_Click()
	Dim ItemCollection As DUOSObjects
	Dim ItemObject As DUOSObject
	Dim ItemProperties As DUOSProperties
	Dim ItemProperty As DUOSProperty

	Set ItemCollection = DUOSObjectsGet("ItemInfo")
	Set ItemObject = ItemCollection(ItemNumber)
	Set ItemProperties = ItemObject.Properties

	'Remove properties other than Item Weight and Item Color 
	For Each ItemProperty In ItemProperties
		If Not ((ItemProperty.Name = "Item Weight") Or _
			(ItemProperty.Name = "Item Color")) Then
			ItemProperties.Remove (ItemProperty)
		End If
End Sub

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