You can build a reporting tree definition from the dimensions in your financial data, using the Insert Reporting Units from Dimensionsdialogue box. To open this dialogue box, open a reporting tree definition in Report Designer, click Edit, and then select Insert Reporting Units from Dimensions.
The Insert Reporting Units from Dimensionsdialogue box contains the following sections. To see example screenshots, see the example later in this topic.
Section |
Description |
Reporting dimension segmentation |
Use the Split Segmentsand Combine Segmentsbuttons to change the number and length of segments.
Include/Character position |
Lists the dimensions that are defined in the financial data and shows the number of characters in the longest defined value for each dimension. Select a check box to include that dimension in the reporting tree hierarchy. |
Segment hierarchy and ranges |
Shows the dimension hierarchy. You can move the dimensions in the list to change their reporting order. Specify a range of values within each dimension in the From Dimensionand To Dimensionboxes. If you do not specify a range, all dimension values are inserted into the reporting tree.
In this example, the Insert Reporting Units from Dimensionsdialogue box contains the following information. The results will return the combination of departments equal to and greater than 00 for all divisions.
The resulting reporting tree definition is sorted by Division and then Department. The dimension for the third reporting unit is Division = [000], Department = [00], which identifies a reporting unit for accounts that are specific to the 000 Division and 00 Department.