Before you build a reporting tree, you must first determine which reporting dimensions your legal entity or company requires.
Consider how you have set up your structure, and then draw an organisational chart of your company. The organisational chart will help you visualise how to group the reporting units into one or more reporting trees.
Start with the lowest available level of detail, such as the departments and projects that are defined in the financial data. Add as many boxes to the level of detail, as needed, to show higher-level divisions or regions. Each box represents a potential reporting unit in any reporting tree that you create.
You must also consider the best way to build your trees. In Management Reporter, you can use an automated build process to create a reporting tree, or you can create a reporting tree manually. It is important to understand both methods before you design your trees.
You can use the reporting units that are defined in your financial data system to add reporting units to the reporting tree definition.
Build a reporting tree
Open Report Designer. On the Filemenu, click New, and then click Reporting Tree Definition.
On the Editmenu, click Insert Reporting Units from Dimensions.
In the Insert Reporting Units from Dimensionsdialogue box, select the check box for each dimension to include in the reporting tree.
To create additional segments, such as breaking one segment into two shorter segments, click the correct location in a Character positionfield, and then click Split Segments.
To merge two segments into one segment, click within either of the segment boxes to merge, and then click Combine Segments.
To change the hierarchy of the dimensions in the Segment hierarchy and rangesarea, select the dimension to move, and then click Move Upor Move Down.
The hierarchy defines both how dimensions report to each other and the range for each dimension.
To specify a range of dimension values to add to the new reporting tree, in the Segment hierarchy and rangesarea, perform the following steps:
In the From Dimensionfield for that dimension, type the first value in the range.
In the To Dimensionfield, type the last value to use for this dimension.
For each dimension in the Segment hierarchy and rangesarea, repeat step 7.
After you have finished defining how your reporting units will be brought into the new reporting tree, click OK.
On the Filemenu, click Saveto save the reporting tree. Enter a unique name and description for the reporting tree, and click OK.