The following table provides descriptions of the menu commands and options that you can use when you design reports in Management Reporter. Some menu commands and options are available only in specific circumstances. For example, the commands to promote and demote reporting units are available only while you are editing a reporting tree definition.

Welcome page

The Welcomepage is available to all users and can be configured to open when you start Report Designer. You can also access the Welcomepage from the Viewmenu.



Create a company

Opens the Companiesdialogue box, where you can create a new company definition. Management Reporter accesses company information and financial data from the company definition. For more information about how to create a company, see Maintaining company information (data provider) .

Add new users

Opens the New Userdialogue box, where you can add a user and grant permissions. For more information about working with users, see Manage users .

Create a new Group

Opens the New Groupdialogue box, where you can create new user groups and grant access to companies to user groups. For more information about working with user groups, see Manage user groups .

Import building block groups

Opens the Building Block Groupsdialogue box, where you can maintain building block groups. For more information about sharing report building blocks, see Maintain building block groups .

Run at startup

Opens the Welcomepage when Report Designer starts. To turn off the Welcomepage, clear this check box.

Create reports

The commands on the Welcomepage used to create reports are available to users with the role of administrator, designer, and with limitations, generator, and include the following commands. For more information about roles and permissions, see Security, user roles, and permissions .



Launch Report Wizard

Starts the report wizard, which guides you through the process of creating a report. For more information about the report wizard, see Building blocks and reports .

Create a new row

Opens a new Row Definitionspane where you can create a new row definition for a report. For more information about creating row definitions, see Row definitions .

Create a new column

Opens a new Column Definitionspane where you can create a new column for a report. For more information about adding and deleting columns, see Select report columns in a row definition .

Create a new tree

Opens a new Reporting Tree Definitionspane where you can create a new reporting tree unit. For more information about adding reporting tree units, see Build a reporting tree definition .

Create a new report

Opens a new Report Definitionspane and the Reporttab, where you can create a new report. For more information about creating a basic report, see Building blocks and reports .


Closes the Welcomepage.

File menu

The Filemenu is available to all users and includes the following commands.




Creates a new report definition, row definition, column definition, reporting tree definition, report group definition, or folder. Additional options are available based on your Management Reporter user role.


Opens an existing row definition, column definition, reporting tree definition, or report definition.


Closes the current building block.

Close All

Closes all building blocks.


Saves the current row definition, column definition, reporting tree definition, or report definition.

Save As

Allows you to save the current row definition, column definition, reporting tree definition, or report definition with a new name.


Opens the Propertiesdialogue box, where you can change the name and description of a report.


Generates the current report. This command is available from a report definition.

View Report

Opens the most recent version of the generated report in Report Viewer. This command is available from a report definition if you have generated at least one report.

Recent Report Definitions

Displays a list of newly created or modified reports that you can select from.

Recent Row Definitions

Displays a list of newly created or modified row definitions that you can select from.

Recent Column Definitions

Displays a list of newly created or modified column definitions that you can select from.

Recent Reporting Tree Definitions

Displays a list of newly created or modified reporting tree definitions that you can select from.


Closes Report Designer.

Edit menu

The Editmenu is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator and includes the following commands.




Reverses the last action.


Ignores the last undo action.


Deletes the selected text and copies it to the clipboard.


Copies the selected text to the clipboard.


Inserts the most recently cut or copied text from the clipboard.


Deletes the contents of the selected building block cell.


Opens the Find and Replacedialogue box, where you can search text in the view pane.


Opens the Find and Replacedialogue box, where you can search and replace text in the view pane.

Insert Rows from Dimensions

Opens the Insert Rows from Dimensionsdialogue box, where you can select the dimension values to include in the row definition. This command is available from a row definition.

Renumber Rows

Renumbers all numeric row codes. This command is available from a row definition.

Row Links

Opens the Row Linksdialogue box, where you can specify the sources for data links in row definitions and reporting tree definitions. This command is available from a row definition.

Rounding Adjustment

Opens the Rounding Adjustmentsdialogue box, where you can specify the parameters for rounding. This command is available from a row definition.

Manage Dimension Sets

Opens the Dimension Setsdialogue box, where you can create and modify dimension sets. This command is available from a row definition or a reporting tree definition.

Insert Row

Inserts an empty row into the row definition or empty header row in the column definition. This command is available from a row or column definition.

Delete Row

Deletes the selected row from the row definition or the selected header row from the column definition. This command is available from a row or column definition.

Insert Column

Inserts an empty column into the column definition. This command is available from a column definition.

Delete Column

Deletes the selected column from the column definition. This command is available from a column definition.

Insert Reporting Units from Dimensions

Opens the Insert Reporting Units from Dimensionsdialogue box, where you can select the dimension values to include in the reporting tree definition. This command is available from a reporting tree definition.

Import Dimension Set Hierarchy

Opens the Dimension Set Hierarchydialogue box, where you can import a dimension set hierarchy from the financial data. This command is available from a reporting tree definition for a dimension-based system.

Insert Reporting Unit

Inserts an empty row into the reporting tree definition. This command is available from a reporting tree definition.

Delete Reporting Unit

Deletes the selected reporting unit row from the reporting tree definition. This command is available from a reporting tree definition.

View menu

The Viewmenu is available to all users and includes the following options.



Navigation Pane

Show or hide the navigation pane.


Select the toolbars that will be visible.

Status Bar

Show or hide the status information in the Report Designer window.

Welcome Page

Open the Welcomepage.

Format menu

The Formatmenu is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator and includes the following commands.



Styles and Formatting

Opens the Styles and Formattingdialogue box, where you can create and modify the styles for text in row and column definitions. This command is available from a row or column definition.

Column Width

Opens the Column Widthdialogue box, where you can set the width of the selected column. This command is available from a row definition, column definition, or reporting tree definition.


Hides the selected column. This command is available from a row definition, column definition, or reporting tree definition.


Makes the hidden columns between the selected columns visible. This command is available from a row definition, column definition, or reporting tree definition.

Company menu

The Companymenu is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator and includes the following options.




Opens the Companiesdialogue box, where you can create and modify companies.

Building Block Groups

Opens the Building Block Groupsdialogue box, where you can create, modify, import, and export building block groups.

XBRL menu

The XBRL menu is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator and includes the following options.




Opens the XBRL Taxonomiesdialogue box, where you can add, view, modify, or delete a taxonomy.


Opens the XBRL Entitiesdialogue box, where you can add, modify, view, or delete an entity.


Opens the XBRL Unitsdialogue box, where you can add, modify, view, or delete a unit.

Go menu

The Gomenu is available to all users and includes the following commands.

Note Note

These options have no visible effect if the navigation pane is not visible.



Report Definitions

Displays report definitions in the navigation pane.

Row Definitions

Displays row definitions in the navigation pane.

Column Definitions

Displays column definitions in the navigation pane.

Reporting Tree Definitions

Displays reporting tree definitions in the navigation pane.


Displays security information for users, groups, and companies in the navigation pane.

Tools menu

The Toolsmenu is available to all users, but some options have limited availability. The Toolsmenu includes the following options.




Applies a password to the current building block. This option is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator.

Report Queue Status

Opens the Report Queue Statusdialogue, which displays all recently generated reports, and the details for each report.

Report Wizard

Opens the Report Wizard, where you can create a new report definition. This option is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator.

Source System Information

Displays the settings for your Microsoft Dynamics ERP system. This option is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator.

Checked Out Items

Displays the row definitions, column definitions, reporting tree definitions, and report definitions that are currently open. This option is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator.

Refresh Cached Financial Data

Updates the data in the financial dimensions column. For more information, see Refresh cached financial data .


Opens the Connectiondialogue box, where you can specify a different server. Building blocks must be closed.

Report Library Permissions

Opens the Report Library Permissionsdialogue box, where you can modify library permissions.


Opens the Registrationdialogue box, where you can view and modify the Management Reporter licence key.


Opens the Optionsdialogue box, where you can modify user preferences in Report Designer.

Window menu

The Windowmenu is available to all users and includes the following commands.



Tile Horizontally

Displays all open windows next to each other.

Tile Vertically

Displays all open windows, one on top of the other.


Layers all open windows to display the title bar of each.

Freeze Horizontal

Freezes the selected row so that as you scroll, that row continues to be displayed in the window. This command is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator.

Freeze Vertical

Freezes the selected column so that as you scroll, that column continues to be displayed in the window. This command is available to users who have the role of designer or administrator.

List of Open Windows

Displays a list of windows that are open. Click one to bring it to the front.

Help menu

The Helpmenu is available to all users and includes the following options.



Management Reporter Help

Opens the Management Reporter Help documentation.

About Management Reporter

Displays the Management Reporter release number and available Microsoft Windows system resources.

See Also