XBRL taxonomies define the specific tags that you will use for the individual items of data in reports, such as net profit. Different taxonomies are required for different business reporting purposes. After your company has determined which taxonomy it needs, it is downloaded from the appropriate website.
XBRL represents each concept as an element with a name. An element is an XBRL component, such as a table, a domain member, and dimension.
You must be in an administrator or designer role to work with XBRL taxonomies.
Import a taxonomy
In Report Designer, on the XBRLmenu, click Taxonomies.
In the XBRL Taxonomiesdialogue box, click New. The Add XBRL Taxonomydialogue box opens.
In the Namefield, type a name that has either been established previously by your company or assign a name to the taxonomy.
Type the URL of the XBRL taxonomy schema document or, if the taxonomy already exists on your computer, click
to browse to the taxonomy.
Click OK. Loading the taxonomy may take several minutes.
Modify a taxonomy
To change the name of a taxonomy or its default language, follow these steps:
In Report Designer, on the XBRLmenu, click Taxonomies.
In the XBRL Taxonomiesdialogue box, select the taxonomy to modify, and then click Modify.
Rename the taxonomy and select the default language. Click OK.
Update a taxonomy
In Report Designer, on the XBRLmenu, click Taxonomies.
Select the taxonomy to update from the list.
Click Refresh.
Delete a taxonomy
In Report Designer, on the XBRLmenu, click Taxonomies.
In the XBRL Taxonomiesdialogue box, select the taxonomy to delete from the library, and then click Delete.
You cannot delete a taxonomy that is currently being used by an entity.
Click Yesto permanently delete the taxonomy.