Management Reporter can export a report to a .xps document, an Excel spreadsheet, or to an XBRL instance document. If you have export permission, you can export a reporting tree, a current reporting unit, or a current view. When you work with a detailed report, you can also export the entire financial report, including all the supporting details, or you can export specific detail reports. For more information about security and export permissions, see Security, user roles, and permissions .
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To change the default import and export file directory for the current user, open Report Viewer. On the Toolsmenu, click Optionsto open the Optionsdialogue box. In the Default import and export file directoryfield, type or browse for a new default file directory. Click OK. |
Export a report to Microsoft
In Report Viewer, click Report Libraryin the navigation pane, and then double-click a report to open it.
On the Filemenu, click Export,and then click Microsoft Excel (.xslx).
In the Export to Microsoft Exceldialogue box, in the Export data tofield, enter a path and file name to export the report to, or click
to locate a path and file name. The file name that you specify must end in .xlsxor .xls.
Under Export range, select one of the following options:
Current View– Exports the current view of a report.
Current Reporting Unit– Exports the current reporting unit of a reporting tree.
Selected Reporting Units– Open a dialogue box where you can select the reporting units to export.
All Reporting Units– Export all reporting units in a reporting tree.
Under Report type, select one or more of the following options:
Financial report– Export only the financial report.
Account details– Export only the account detail report.
Transaction details– Export only the transaction detail report.
Exception report– Export only the exception report.
Report typeoptions are not available if you select Current Viewfor the Export rangeoption.
To export any comments that are attached to the report, select Include comments.
Under Microsoft Excel options, select one or more of the formatting and file options.
Click OK. If you selected Open workbook after exporting, the report will open in Microsoft Excel. Otherwise, it is saved to the location that you specified in step 3.
Export a report to an XBRL
instance document
If XBRL details were included when a report was generated, you can export the report to an XBRL instance document.
In Report Viewer, click Report Libraryin the navigation pane, and then double-click a report to open it.
On the Filemenu, click Export, and then click XBRL Instance Document. This opens the Export to XBRL Instance Documentdialogue box.
In the Export data tofield, enter the location where your instance document will be sent.
In the File and folder namefield, enter the name that will identify the file and folder after it is sent. Click OK.
If you use the File and folder namefield, the supporting XBRL documents, such as the taxonomy files and extensions, will be sent together with the instance document.
Export a report to an XPS
In Report Viewer, click Report Libraryin the navigation pane, and then double-click a report to open it.
On the Filemenu, click Export,and then click XPS.
In the Export to XPSdialogue box, in the Export data tofield, enter a path and file name to export the report to, or click
to locate a path and file name. The file name that you specify must end in .xps.
Under Export range, select one of the following options:
Current View– Export the current view of a report.
Current Reporting Unit– Export the current reporting unit of a reporting tree.
Selected Reporting Units– Open a dialogue box where you can select the reporting units to export.
All Reporting Units– Export all reporting units in a reporting tree.
Under Report type, select one or more of the following options:
Financial report– Export only the financial report.
Account details– Export only the account detail report.
Transaction details– Export only the transaction detail report.
Report typeoptions are not available if you select Current Viewfor the Export rangeoption.
To export any comments that are attached to the report, select Include comments.
Select the width of the report columns, or select Autofitto automatically size the columns.
Under XPS options, select one or more of the formatting and file options.
Click OK. If you selected Open XPS after exporting, the report will open in Microsoft Document Viewer. Otherwise, it is saved to the location that you specified in step 3.