To move an employee to a new position, you need to terminate the employee's current position, create a new position, and affiliate the employee with the new position.

If the new position is in a different organization, you must terminate the current position and create a new position in a different organization, and then affiliate the employee with the new position.

Create a new position

  1. Click > .

  2. Press CTRL+N to create a new position.

  3. In the field, enter the organization unit where you want to create the position.

  4. In the field, enter the job type for the position.

  5. In the field, enter the employee to affiliate with the new position.

  6. Complete the remaining fields.

Terminate employment in a position

  1. Click > .

  2. Select the position to terminate.

  3. In the field, enter the date where employment in the position is terminated.

See Also