You can create a time period to display in the Business Overview Web part of a Role Center in Enterprise Portal. For example, you can select to view the Opportunities you have won this month versus the opportunities that you won in the previous month.

  1. Click > > > > .

  2. Click CTRL+N to create a new line.

  3. Click to import the default time periods from the AOT or to import a file of time periods you created.

  4. Enter a time period identification and a brief description for the time period.

  5. Enter the name that you want to display in the Business Overview Web part and select by rank how you want the time period to be displayed.

  6. Select the check box to display the time period in the Business Overview Web part.

  7. Under the tab, enter the current period Multi-Dimensional Expression (MDX) and the previous MDX that you want to display in the Web part.

See Also