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Use this form to define the postal codes that you use in the company.

When you enter a postal code in an address field in a form, the city, state, and country/region information is automatically entered.

Tip Tip

If several companies use the same postal codes, you can create a virtual company that stores these codes and other information. The data of the virtual company can be accessed and used by the other companies in the database. For more information, see Virtual company accounts (form)and Company accounts and Virtual company accounts.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Create and view the postal codes that are used by the company.

General tab

Enter and view additional information for the postal code that is selected on the tab.




Open the form, where you can import postal codes from an external source.

Create or update external codes that are used in Commerce Gateway documents.

View or enter transport details for the selected postal code. Details include means of transport, shipping and receiving point details, and the number of transport days.




Enter the postal code. If you selected the check box in the form, postal codes will be validated when you enter them. For more information, see Country/region (form).

Enter the name of the city that uses the postal code.

Enter a name or name/code combination to be used as a quick reference in searches for the city and postal code combination. You can enter a unique identifier for each postal code/city combination, or you can use the same search name for all the postal codes within a city or city district.

Enter the name of the street that is within the postal code, if applicable.

Enter the lowest street number in the street address that is within the postal code, if applicable.

Enter the highest street number in the street address that is within the postal code, if applicable.

Select whether the postal code applies to all street numbers, even or odd street numbers, if applicable.

Note Note

If you leave this list blank, the postal code applies to all street numbers.

Select the time zone for the Zip/postal Code.

Select the country/region that uses the postal code.

When you enter the postal code in a form, this information is automatically entered in the appropriate field in the form.

Select the state that uses the postal code.

When you enter the postal code in a form, this information is automatically entered in the appropriate field in the form.

Select the county that uses the postal code.

When you enter the postal code in a form, this information is automatically entered in the appropriate field in the form.

See Also