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Use this form to create, change, and inquire into miscellaneous charges specified for the current order. You can add miscellaneous charges manually, or Microsoft Dynamics AX can generate them automatically.

Note Note

The total value of the miscellaneous charges is shown in the form and is included in the calculation of the invoice total.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




General tab

Create, change, and inquire into general information.




The specified miscellaneous charges for the purchase or sales order headers are added as fixed charges or calculated as a percentage charge based on the sum of the invoice line amounts. Miscellaneous charges on sales or purchase order lines can be calculated as fixed charges, a charge per unit, or a percentage of the line amount.

Open the form, where you can connect the selected miscellaneous charge for an invoice header or line to the corresponding purchase order header or line miscellaneous charge.

Note Note

If a miscellaneous charge is on a summary invoice header or on an invoice line that was created by allocating miscellaneous charges from a summary invoice header, you cannot connect it to a purchase order header or line.

This button is available only if you are working with miscellaneous charges for a purchase order invoice.




Specifies the type of charge that is attached to the order. The field refers to the corresponding field in the form where the charge and its posting are defined.

A transaction text that is shown in the posted charge transaction. It is generated automatically based on the text entered for the charge in the form. You can edit the transaction text before posting.

Specifies whether the charge should be calculated as a fixed amount on the line, a unit-based charge, or a percentage charge on the line.

Note Note

The and types can be used on charges in the order header and the order lines; the type can be used only on order lines.

Enter the value for the specified charge category. The value can be a fixed amount, an amount to be calculated per unit of the item or a percentage of either the order total, or the line total.

Currency code applicable to the specified charge code for the current order.

Note Note

It is possible to enter a different currency if the debit/credit type is set to or for the selected mark-up code.

Retain miscellaneous charges transaction after invoicing.

If selected, the miscellaneous charge values for the current miscellaneous charges code are included in comparisons for purchase orders and invoices. You can see the comparisons in the form. For more information, see Misc. charges totals details/Compare misc. charges values (form).

This field is available only if the and configuration keys are selected.

The identification of the invoice that is connected to the miscellaneous charge transaction.

This field is available only if you opened the form from the form.

The identification of the purchase order that is connected to the miscellaneous charge transaction.

This field is available only if you opened the form from the purchase form.

Information in this field is copied from the purchase order or sales order field when the transaction is created. It is then used as the default value for the field. For more information about setting up tax groups, see Sales tax groups (form).

Information in this field is copied from the purchase order line or sales order line fields when the transaction is created. It is then used as the default value for the field. For more information about setting up tax item groups, see Item sales tax groups (form).

After the invoice for the purchase or sales order has been posted, displays the calculated value of the miscellaneous charges.

After the invoice for the purchase or sales order has been posted, the voucher number used will be shown in the current charge transaction. You can use the voucher number to view all transactions with that voucher number.

After the invoice for the purchase or sales order has been posted, the posting date used will be shown in the current markup transaction.

After the invoice for the purchase, or sales order has been posted, the posted amount will be shown in the relevant charge transaction.

View the intercompany identification (ID) for the intercompany company that the miscellaneous charges for the corresponding order will be posted to.

View the reference ID for the miscellaneous charges that relate to the intercompany order.

View the calculated miscellaneous charge value from the intercompany sales order.

Select to use the inter-company miscellaneous charge amount from the intercompany sales order instead of having the program calculating this.

View the invoice number, which the miscellaneous charge was created from and to which it will be posted.