Staff accounting> Calculation procedures> Vacations> Setup> Setup

Use this form to make general settings for vacation calculations.

Task that uses this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Set up vacation calculation parameters, such as calculation method code, calculation method code name, number of month used for an average-earning calculation, number of days in a work week, calculation method of hours worked in a short month, and calculation type by days or hours.

Average earnings

Set up the calculation, time parameters, numerical parameters, bonus, and seniority details for the average earning calculation.


Select or view the sequence for additional payment calculation and work week duration in hours.




Calculation method code

Enter the average-earned method code.


Enter the average-earned calculation method name.

Number of month

Select a previously configured rate that contains the number of months of the calculation period used in the average vacation salary calculation.

Working week duration

Select the number of days in the work week from the following options:

  • 5 days

  • 6 days

  • 7 days

Calculation method of short month

Select the calculation method to determine the hours worked during a short month. The method is used if the employee did not work for all scheduled hours in the calculation period.

  • Summary– Calculate the hours worked for the month by considering the scheduled time, minus absences.

  • Calendar– Calculate the hours worked for the month using details from the daily time sheet and calendar days according to the work schedule, minus absences.

  • By coefficient– Calculate the hours worked per month based on the time actually worked, considering the conversion factor configured for the employee's calendar and the duration of the work week.

Calculation type

Select if the average hourly or average daily earnings are calculated from the following options:

  • by days

  • by hours

Note Note

When using the calendar calculation method for a short month, the calculation type can only be by days.

Calculation method of full month

Select the average-earned calculation method if the calculation period is fully worked by employee from the following options:

  • According to calendar– The number of days in the calculation period.

  • Average value– The average number of days per month.


Select the vacation length calculation principle from the following options:

  • Work-days

  • Calendar days

According to schedule

Select a previously configured time group defining the time according to schedule.

Actually worked

Select a previously configured time group defining the time actually worked.

Note Note

When using the summary and by coefficient month calendar calculation method, the field can be edited.

Absences from work

Select a previously configured time group defining an acceptable reason for absence from work.

On average

Select a previously configured time group defining the time during which the accruals entered in the Average earned base were made.

Base of calculation

Select the base for average earned calculation.

Average earned base

Select the base of calculation based on the average-earned payment type.

Note Note

If there were no accruals in the previous calculation periods included in the Base of calculation, the average earned is calculated using the accruals calculated for the average earned.

Step-up ratio

Select the average earned step-up ratio for indexing the average earned during calculation.

Bonus base

Select a calculation base that includes pay types corresponding to the awards for the period from the material incentives fund.

Criteria of bonus accounting

Select the rules of bonus accounting in the average earned calculation from the following options:

  • Maximal

  • Minimal

  • First

  • Last

Note Note

If the quantity of bonuses exceeds that permitted for average earned calculation, a bonus is selected for the period for a single reason, depending on the selected criteria. One twelfth of the bonus for the year before the event is included in every month entered in the average earned calculation.

Proportional calculation

Select this check box to include the bonus in the average-earned calculation in proportion to the hours worked.

Non decreased number of days

Select the rate determining the number of days on vacation per year that are not excluded from the length of service.

Note Note

For vacations excluded from the seniority calculation, the number of days that exceed the entered quantity will be displayed.

Sequence for additional payment calculation

Select the sequence of additional payment calculation that has been set up in advance for the vacation. The sequence is started after the basic vacation calculation.

Workweek duration

The work week duration in hours.

See Also