After you set up a specific financial statement, as described in Design the rows and columns of a financial statement, you can generate and print a financial statement report and export the results to various kinds of export files.
Generate and
print a specific financial statement
Complete the following list of steps to print the selected financial statement. For more information, see the field help in Financial statement (form).
In the lookup list, select the financial statement definition to use for the print. The default settings are automatically transferred to the different fields and lists. You can change the default values if necessary.
On the tab, in the drop-down list, select .
In the lookup fields in the section, select the main focus and, if applicable, the secondary focus as well as their corresponding row definitions.
To print one financial statement per main focus value, select the check box. A separate page is printed per main focus, and the lines are based on the secondary focus.
Clear the check box if you want the main focus presented as lines in one single financial statement, and the secondary focus presented as detailed information. In this case, any row definitions are also ignored.
In the section, you can define a part of the financial statement row structure for printing. In the and fields, enter the first and the last rows that should be printed.
In the , enter an end date that replaces the last date of the date intervals or the date in the field. For example, on March 5, the date interval 'Current quarter' includes all transactions posted up to and including March 5. If instead you need figures for the closed months of the quarter, enter February 28 as the end date.
The end date modifies the date interval that has been selected and overrules that date that is entered in the field.
In the field, enter a reference date for the dynamic date intervals. This date is the date that controls the report and that adjusts the date intervals that are defined on the tab. For example, the system date is February 2007, and the date interval is 'Current year'. You enter November 15, 2006 as the reference date. The 'Current year' is then automatically adjusted to 2006 instead of 2007.
When you fill in this field, the field cannot be used.
If you leave both this field and the field empty, the system date determines how the dynamic date intervals work.
Dates that are entered manually in the and fields are not affected by a reference date.
On the tab, change the default selection criteria if necessary.
On the tab, change the default print options if necessary.
Click OKto print the financial statement.
Export a
financial statement
On the tab, in the field, select the financial statement that you want to export.
If appropriate, select more row details for the export. You can also limit the number of rows by using the and fields in the section.
If you do not add more details, Microsoft Dynamics AX uses the default financial statement rows (those that are created during the setup of the statement).
If appropriate, limit the financial statement that is being exported by clicking the button.
On the tab, define the remaining details about the selected financial statement:
To set a range of dates for the financial statement, use the field or enter dates in the and fields.
In the field and check box, select the relevant budget information.
To set up account and dimension ranges on a specific column for the export, click the button. The information in the export file results from your selection here and in step 4.
On the tab, in the drop-down list, select the value . An extension is added automatically to export files, for example, for files that are created for country/region-specific file formats.
Click OK. If the export is successful, you receive a message that the export file has been created, and you can access the file.
For the ASCII export format, you can modify the format of the financial statement data for the export file in the form. This form appears automatically when you click OKif you have selected one of the ASCII file formats.
If you have selected one of the export file formats that requires the columns to be strictly formatted (such as Fr_exportor Be_Accon) and the data does not conform to this format, the export job stops and you receive a message. In this case, correct the order and format of the columns that you have defined for export so that they conform to requirements.
The formatting that you select for the export of a particular financial statement is saved for the next export of a financial statement with the same combination of identifiers (financial statement name, export format, main focus, main focus row definition, secondary focus, secondary focus row definition). If you select a combination of parameters that has been used before, the appropriate formatting, if any, is applied automatically. You can revise the formatting before the export, as is appropriate.