You can post multiple financial journals at the same time.
Post multiple
journals with the same journal type
You can post multiple journals for the following financial journal types by using the same form where you create the journals. If a journal requires approval, that journal must be approved before you can post it. For more information, see Set up financial journal approvals.
This procedure uses the journal type.
Click > > .
In the form, select two or more journals.
Click . The journals and journal lines are validated. Correct errors if necessary, and validate the journals again.
When you are ready to post, click > .
Alternatively, you can select > . Transactions without errors are posted, and transactions with errors are transferred to a new journal.
The form opens.
You can set up batch processing on the tab.
Click OK. If the field is set to , the journals are no longer displayed in the form when posting is complete, but you can view them by changing the field to or .
Post multiple
journals with different journal types
You can post multiple journals for multiple journal types by using the form. You can set up batch processing on the tab.
Click > > .
Click to select open journals for multiple posting. The range is already set up to include open journals. Click OKto return to the form.
You can also manually add or delete journals from the resulting list of journals to be posted.
To add a journal, press CTRL+N to create a line, and then select the appropriate journal type and number.
To delete a journal, press ALT+F9.
If you do not want vouchers with errors to delay the posting of vouchers with no errors, select the check box on the individual journal lines.
To configure the transfer of errors for selected lines only, click .
In the dialog box, select or clear the check box, and then click Apply.
Click to apply the setting to all the selected journal lines.
Click to apply the setting to all users. Click OKto return to the form.