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Use this report to show, side-by-side, how the customer balances have changed during a defined sub-period, for example, last month, and a defined period, such as the current year.

The report shows debit totals, which often represent the amounts invoiced, and credit totals, usually amounts paid. Thus the report can be used for fast analysis of development in accounts receivable.

Navigating the report

The following links and table provide descriptions for the controls in this report.

Enter criteria on the General tab

Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab




Date for the column.

Start date for report period displayed in the and columns.

End date for the report period displayed in the and columns, and the date for the column.

Criteria for printing an account:

  • – Prints accounts regardless of transactions or balance in the date interval

  • – Prints accounts with balance on the .

  • – Prints accounts with transactions in the date interval.

  • – Prints accounts with balance on the .