> > >

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Use this form to export data from the tables listed in the selected definition group.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Use this form to export data from the tables listed in the selected definition group.

Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab




Select a definition group. The definition group defines the tables and fields to export data from. This is required for data export.

Use the browse button to select a location for the file that contains the export data, and type a file name.

Important Important

Be sure to save exported files in a folder that has appropriately restricted permissions. In particular, allowing access to the data from the following tables can potentially expose confidential or security information: SysConfig, SysUserInfo, AccessRightsList, UserGroupInfo, UserInfo, and UserGroupInfo.

If unsecured data from these tables is edited and then imported, you run the risk of potentially providing increased access to the Microsoft Dynamics AX system.

Select a file type for the export file:

  • – Use a compressed file format. This option is used most frequently.

  • – Do not include container fields in the export. This comma-separated format is usually used to export data for viewing in a spreadsheet.

Select this check box to have the report executed by the AOS server instead of by the client.

This option typically improves performance.

See Also