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Use this report to view posting restriction information for various journal types, including the journal type, journal name, user ID, and user name. Posting restrictions determine whether specific users or user groups can post only journals that they create. For more information, see Set up posting restrictions.

Only journal names with defined posting restrictions appear on the report.

The information on this report is sorted first by journal type and then by journal name. You also can print a report, on which information is sorted first by user and then by journal type.

Navigating the report

The following links and table provide descriptions for the controls in this report.

Enter criteria on the General tab

Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab




Select the set of users to include.

If you select , all users with permissions to the journal type for the selected journal names are included on the report, regardless of posting restrictions.

User informationand

The information displayed in these sections is determined by your selections when you create a query.

See Also