Use this form to manage the alert rules that you have set up in the form.

Note Note

You are notified if you change a rule that effects records that you have already been alerted about. For example, if, you change a rule where the event is "Was due 20 days ago" to "Was due 30 days ago", you are asked if you want to receive alerts on records that you have been alerted about within the last 10 days.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View the alert rules that are available to you.

General tab

View or edit the setup of individual rules. Rules are enabled by default, but you can click the check box on this tab to disable rules.




View and maintain the alerts that the current alert rule has generated.

Open the following submenu items:

  • : Select a template to create an alert rule.

  • ('%1' is the main table as, for example, ): If the form is launched from another form (and not from the menu), you can create an alert rule on the form from which is launched.




The title line of the alert that is triggered by the current rule.

When this check box is selected, the alerts that are triggered by the rule can be sent. By default, the check box is selected.

Determines if the rule should be active indefinitely or if it should have an end date.

Date on which the rule expires.

The user who receives the alerts that are generated by the current alert rule.

The contents of this field specify the information in a form that you want to monitor.

The event that you select determines when an alert should be triggered.

More help

The following links provide more information about the three event types:

Alerts are triggered up to and including the selected day. Subsequently, the rule becomes inactive.

More help

Alerts are triggered indefinitely. The rule never becomes inactive.

The message text of the alert that is triggered by the current rule.

When selected, the alerts generated by the current alert rule are sent as pop-ups.

When selected, the alerts generated by the current alert rule are sent as e-mail messages.

See Also