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Use this report to view information about tax transactions that are created by sales invoices when imports to and from the Åland islands have been completed.

Information is reported for each month on a report consisting of two parts. The top part, which shows either the or the , includes information about each customer, each invoice, and each VAT code. The second part of the report is a summary of the import tax declaration for the period of one month and includes total amounts for import transactions.

Navigating the report

The following links and table provide descriptions for the controls in this report.

Enter criteria on the General tab

Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab




Defines how the report for the month is printed. The default month is the month prior to the system date. Information is printed for the month and year displayed.

Defines the title of the report. Options are and .

The transactions that will be paid to the tax authority.

The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you create a query.

The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you set up your printing options.