Use this form to request that a picking location be refilled with a pallet from a bulk location. Click to create a new pallet transport. The pallet transport can be handled in the form.

For more information, see Process pallet transports (form).

Note Note

The priority for the transport is set up in the form. A pallet transport with a higher value has a higher priority on the list of pallet transports viewed by drivers. For more information, see Inventory parameters (form).

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.




Select an item configuration to specify an item with specific attributes.

Specifies the size of the item.

Specifies the color of the item.

Enter the warehouse in which you will store your items.

Enter the batch number dimension. If you select and in the upper section of the form or the form, you can edit the batch number for the transfer order line.

Location inside a warehouse. If you select and in the upper section of the form or the form, you can edit the location number for the transfer order line.

Unique ID for the pallet (Serial Shipping Container Code).

Serial number dimension. If you select and in the upper section of the form or the form, you can edit the serial number for the transfer order line.

See Also