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Use this report to analyze the annual ledger budget balances, current balances, and any revisions to the budget. For accounts with a or type, the account interval is displayed.

Navigating the form

The following links and table provide descriptions for the controls in this form.

Enter criteria on the General tab

Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab




Enter the beginning of the fiscal year.

Enter the date to include budget revision transactions from that date forward. Only budget revisions made on or before the selected date will be included with the base budget amounts in report totals.

Select the type of transactions to print. You can select from , , or .

Select a budget model.

Select the check box to accumulate periods in the report.

Select an account number for each dimension.

The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you create a query.

The information displayed in this section is determined by your selections when you set up your printing options.

See Also