Use this form to view possible ship and receipt dates that are calculated using the shipping, transport, and customer calendars. Select one set of dates and transfer them to the requested or confirmed ship and receipt dates, as required. This form should open automatically. If you choose invalid dates, you receive a warning.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Appears if the form is opened automatically because an invalid date was selected.

Allows you to keep the selected ship and receipt dates by disabling delivery date control.

Copies the selected dates to the and fields on the relevant order header or line.

Also copies the and fields, if they are changed.

Copies the selected dates to the and fields on the relevant order header or line.

Also copies the and fields if changed.


Closes the form.

If the form was opened because an invalid date was selected, this reverts to the original date. The and fields on the order are not updated.




Select how you want the items to be transported.

Select the warehouse that you want to ship the items from.

Shows the number of days between receiving the order and shipping the items.

Shows the number of days it takes to transport items from the shipping point to the receiving point for the given mode of delivery. You can set up the transport days on the Transport form.

Shows the order entry deadline at the shipping location converted to your time zone.

Shows the order entry deadline at the shipping location in the time zone of the shipping location.

If multisite functionality is activated, the time is shown in the site time zone, otherwise it is shown in the company time zone.

Shows the day corresponding to the adjacent date.

Available ship date from the shipping point.

Available receipt date at the receiving point.

Enter the number of records that you would like to display (minimum 30).

See Also