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Use this form to set up parameters for the section.
By setting parameters, you can define whether the customer forms open when a business relation becomes a customer, whether to use duplication checks when working with business relation records, and whether the item name and/or item description should be included in quotations that are created.
Tasks that
use this form
the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Set up default values for the selected fields. The default values that are defined in the fields will be transferred to a newly created business relation. The defined default values will not be transferred if the business relations were imported into the application. |
Set up the document handling parameters. You can define the age limit of the document display in the form and the mailing file directory, and you can select the various document types from the drop-down lists in the respective fields. |
Set up default values for newly created campaigns for selected fields. |
Define the default start time and end time for newly created activities. Define whether follow-up activities should be created automatically when creating certain types of records. Set up default values for the automatically created activities based on certain specific actions. |
Set up the transaction logging of all database transactions ( , and/or actions) for the listed tables. The default log period can also be set on this tab.
Define the default activity type to be automatically created whenever an inbound or outbound telephone call is registered. Additionally, you can define a prefix for outbound phone calls. |
Define the number sequences that are required for the section. |
Field |
Description |
Select the default language for a new business relation when it is created in the form. |
Select the default customer group for a new business relation when it is created in the form. |
Select the default vendor group for a new business relation when it is created in the form. |
Select the default currency code for a new business relation when it is created in the form. |
Select the default business relation type for a new business relation when it is created in the form. The business relation types are defined in the form. |
Enter the default opening hours of business for a newly created business relation. |
Enter the default closing business hours for a newly created business relation. |
Select the default business relation status from the drop-down list in the field. |
Select this check box to open either the form or the form when a business relation of the corresponding type is created. |
Select the period that you want information about. Periods are set up in the form. |
Select the default start date for business relation statistics and sales targets. |
Select the default end date for business relation statistics and sales targets. |
Select how e-mail messages sent through e-mail groups are sent to the recipient. |
Select this check box to automatically include the address from the business relation entry when you create a new contact person. |
Select this check box to automatically include the e-mail address from the business relation entry when you create a new contact person. |
Select this check box to automatically include the phone number from the business relation entry when you create a new contact person |
Select this check box to create a new business relation when a new lead record is created. |
Select this check box to automatically create an opportunity record when a lead record is qualified. |
Select this check box to automatically create a customer record when a lead record is qualified. |
Select whether to create an opportunity record when a sales quotation is created. |
Select whether to create an opportunity record when a project quotation is created. |
Select whether to update an opportunity record when the status of a sales quotation is changed. |
Select whether to update an opportunity record when the status of a project quotation is changed. |
Enter the lower age limit of the documents to be displayed in the form. This lower age limit is defined as the present date minus the number (of days) in this field. If you enter 10, only documents created between 10 days ago and today will be displayed. |
Select a directory to use for storing mailing files. |
Select the document type to use when saving incoming e-mail messages as standard documents from the drop-down list. Document types are set up in the form. |
Select the document type to use when saving outgoing e-mail messages as standard documents from the drop-down list. Document types are set up in the form. |
Select the document type to use when saving files by using the drag-and-drop feature. Document types are set up in the form. |
Select the default campaign status from the drop-down list. The status will appear when a new campaign is created in the form. |
Select the default campaign type from the drop-down list. This will become the default campaign type when a new campaign is created in the form. |
Select the default campaign group from the drop-down list. This will become the default campaign group when a new campaign is created in the form. |
Select the default campaign target from the drop-down list. This will become the default campaign target when a new campaign is created in the form. |
Enter the default number of days from the start date to the expiry date of a created campaign. |
Enter the default number of follow-up days from the start date to the follow-up date.
Select the default Web site user identification for creating campaigns that are broadcast on the Web and gathering responses from the Web. |
Select the default Web site that is associated with a campaign. This Web site will be used when using the Web broadcast functionality on the campaign form. |
Select whether activities should be created automatically when you create records using a batch job. |
Select whether an activity for the sales quotation is created automatically when a sales quotation is created. |
Select the default activity category for the follow-up sales quotation activity. |
Select the default activity type for the follow-up sales quotation activity. |
Enter the default purpose for the follow-up sales quotation activity. |
Select the default activity phase for the follow-up sales quotation activity. |
Select whether a follow-up activity for the campaign should be created automatically when a campaign is created. |
Select the default activity category for the follow-up campaign activity from the drop-down list. |
Select the default activity type for the follow-up campaign activity. |
Enter the default purpose for the follow-up campaign activity. |
Select the default activity phase for the follow-up campaign activity. |
Select whether an activity should be created automatically for the responsible employee when a campaign target is assigned to that responsible employee. |
Select the default activity category for the campaign target activity. |
Select the default activity type for the campaign target activity. |
Enter the default purpose for the campaign target activity. |
Select the default activity phase for the campaign target activity. |
Select whether an activity should be created automatically when a telemarketing call list is created. |
Select the default activity category for the telemarketing call list activity. |
Select the default activity type for the telemarketing call list activity. |
Enter the default purpose for the telemarketing call list activity. |
Select the default activity phase for the telemarketing call list activity. |
Select whether an activity should be created automatically when the status of a call list target in a telemarketing call list is changed to . |
Select the default activity category for the telemarketing call back activity. |
Select the default activity type for the telemarketing call back activity. |
Enter the default purpose for the telemarketing call back activity. |
Select the default activity phase for the telemarketing call back activity. |
Select whether an activity should be created automatically for the responsible employee when a telemarketing call list target is assigned to that responsible employee. |
Select the default activity category for the telemarketing call list target activity. |
Select the default activity type for the telemarketing call list target activity. |
Enter the default purpose for the telemarketing call list target activity. |
Select the default activity phase for the telemarketing call list target activity. |
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log.
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log. NoteSelecting many tables to be included in the transaction logs will negatively affect application performance, especially when working with large amounts of data and many transactions. |
Select this check box to include the table in the transaction log. NoteSelecting many tables to be included in the transaction logs will negatively affect application performance, especially when working with large amounts of data and many transactions. |
Enter the age of the transactions to appear in the log tab pages for business relations and contact persons. The age is given in number of days. |
Select this check box to include insert transactions in transaction log. Insert transactions are transactions that insert a new record in the relevant table, for example, when creating a new business relation or campaign. |
Select this check box to include delete transactions in transaction log. Delete transactions are transactions that delete a record in the relevant table, for example, when deleting a business relation or campaign. |
Select if the transaction log should create a new transaction log every time an update has been made, update the last record, or not create transaction logs when updates have been made. |
Select the default activity type when an inbound telephone call is registered. |
Select the default activity type when an outbound telephone call is made. |
Enter a prefix to use with the phone number when calling outbound. |
View the reference type. |
Select a number sequence to associate with the reference. |