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Use this form to define options for data import from a Microsoft Office Excel workbook to Microsoft Dynamics AX and to start the actual import. The file that you want to import must have been created by exporting from Microsoft Dynamics AX to Microsoft Excel so that it is the required format.

Note Note

This import does not support updating record reference data types (RefRecId) in the imported tables.

About the Microsoft Office Excel import file

In the Microsoft Office Excel import file, a worksheet exists for each table that was exported. Each worksheet has the same name as the table that was exported.

If any table to be exported contains more records than the maximum number of rows that can be handled on one worksheet, a new worksheet is automatically created during the export.

In addition to a worksheet for each table, two other worksheets exist, #DEF and #Lookup. #DEFholds information that is needed for the import, and #Lookupis used to support lookups on the worksheets.

The #DEFsheet contains the following information:

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX version

  • Version of Microsoft Office Excel used for the export

  • Date of the export

  • Language

  • Name of the definition group used for the export

  • List of the tables included in the export

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Use this form to define options for data import from a Microsoft Office Excel workbook to Microsoft Dynamics AX and to start the actual import.

Define advanced options for the data import.

Prepare batch processing on the Batch tab




Shows the unique name of the definition group that specifies the tables and fields to import data to.

Using a definition group is optional for Microsoft Office Excel import. Definition groups are created in the form.

Click the browse button (folder icon) to locate the file that contains the data to be imported. If no file name is given, the file name that is specified in the definition group is used.

Select an import rule:

  • – By default, data is imported according to the specifications in the definition group.

  • – Compare with existing data in Microsoft Dynamics AX and import data only if the record does not already exist.

  • – Compare with existing data in Microsoft Dynamics AX and update existing records and add new records.

  • – Import data only if the Microsoft Dynamics AX tables are empty.

  • – Delete existing data before importing the data.

Select this check box if system or shared tables have been exported and modified outside Microsoft Dynamics AX.

System tables hold basic application data, such as available languages, user name list, and permissions.

Shared tables hold data shared across company accounts, such as database log information, OLAP data, and e-mail settings.