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the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
View, edit, or create shipment templates. |
View or add further information about the shipment template selected on the tab. |
Button |
Description |
Specify the criteria for selecting inventory orders. |
Field |
Description |
Specify the priority to use for the shipment template when shipments are created automatically. For more information, see Shipment templates and priority. |
Identification of the shipment template. |
Select the rule that you want to use for outbound processes. |
Specify how the orders are grouped when creating picking routes. The options are:
Reservation sequence to be used for shipments based on this template. |
Identify the site to ship from. |
Identify the warehouse to ship from. |
The location's identification, which is used as a reference to the location, together with the warehouse. Usually the name is generated automatically according to the location's coordinator (aisle, rack, shelf, and bin) based on the setup under ( tab). To enter the identification manually, you must first select the field. |
Allows activation of a shipment only if all items can be reserved. |
Include orders with delivery date through the specified date. |
Select this check box to allow orders to be automatically added to shipments until the shipment is in this state. Last possible chance to add orders is when shipments are in state: . In increasing order, the states are:
If is selected, orders are not added automatically. |
Select this checkbox to automatically create a new shipment when an output order is created. For more information, see Shipment templates and priority. |