The Electronic documents list directory is used to store all reports that are submitted electronically to the tax authorities. A tax document can have an unlimited number of versions, but only the active version is processed when you use the document view and export functions.
You can import report data from a file, from the Financial reports generator report, or from a previous version of the document.
Click General ledger> Reports> External> Electronic documents listto open the Documentsform.
In the Templatefield, select the document template.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the Documentfield, enter the document code.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a description for the document.
In the Period startand Period endsfields, enter the starting and ending date of the reporting period.
The current status of the document is displayed in the Statusfield.
In the Senderfield, select the employee code of the document sender.
You can specify the value in the Versionsform.
To import data from an external Microsoft Office Excel file, click Load> Fileto open the Load fileform.
The Loadbutton is activated only for documents with a Createdor Receivedstatus.
In the File namefield, specify the report file with data.
In the Note linefield, enter a note for the file.
Click OK. A Filetype document is created.
To import data for reports created by the Financial reports generator, click Load> Reportto open the Load reportform.
In the Note linefield, enter a note for the report.
Click OK. A Reporttype document is created.
If different versions exist for this document, you can import data from a previous version.
Click Load> Versionto open the Load versionform.
In the Current versionfield, select the current version of the document.
In the Note linefield, enter a note for the current document.
Click OK. A Versiontype document is created.
In the Documentsform, click the Generaltab.
In the Current versionfield, select the current version of the document.
Click Requisitesto view the report data. This button is available only for a document with a Receivedstatus. You cannot modify requisite values in this form.