The ledger posting profile defines cash management posting in ledger accounts. A posting profile can be linked to a single cash account, or it can be linked to all the cash accounts.
Click Bank> Setup> Cash posting profilesto open the Posting profilesform.
Click CTRL+N to create a new cash posting profile.
In the Cash postingfield, enter the posting profile code for the cash accounts.
In the Descriptionfield, enter a description for the cash posting profile code.
Click the Ledger accountstab, and create a new record.
In the Valid forfield, select from the following values:
Table– The setup is for a single cash account.
All– The setup is for all cash accounts.
In the Cashfield, select the cash account code.
The Cashfield is not available if you selected Allin the Valid forfield.
In the Ledger accountfield, select the ledger account number for posting the transactions.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.